Tapping my window

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*Jezzabelle's POV*

I'm supposed to go home tomorrow.

I've been thinking the past couple of days about what I'm going to tell everybody.

I realized I need to tell everyone sorry, especially the cops. I need to settle eveything down with everyone. I have Macy checked of my list.

She understands me and I'm thankful. The time she's letting me have is just great. She could of snitched but she didn't.

It's 8 am. I've decided to leave a day early. I feel like I have enough courage because I've been listening to Carter's advice. He and I have grown closer since he's been helping me. He's like my brother now.

I got to his store with my backpack and the bike I rented.

"Carter!" I called.

"Yeah?" He said emerging from the door behind the counter.

"Happy Saturday." I said smiling slyly.

"Today's the day isn't it?" He said looking at the bike.

"Yep." I said a little sad.

"Well just know I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." I said blinking back a few tears.

I pulled him in for a hug. We stayed there for about 3 minutes saying bye a trillion times until I finally broke the hug and walked to the door.

Before I closed the door I looked back at Carter.

"This isn't goodbye forever." I said then started biking my way to the bus station.

I returned the bike once I got on the street I was on the day I got here. I bought a ticket for the bus and took the 2 hour ride back home. I don't want to admit it but I missed the place not the people.

*Jack's POV*

I went to school the day after the cops found out Jezzabelle was missing.

I saw Macy a few times but she didn't look bad. She looked like nothing happened and it disgusted me. I thought she'd be more sad that her best friend was gone.

After that I haven't been going to school. I've been going out of my mind. I feel like everything was because of me. Macy confirmed it too.

It's Saturday and nobody has found or seen Jay.

I refused to leave my room. I'm a wreck. My mom has to bring me food up to me. I don't leave the house. I keep depressing music booming on my speakers all day and cry over the fact she's gone because of me. I have a billion calls from Bethany and millions of text messages from Taylor. I don't reply to any of them.

Bethany has came up onto my roof sometimes using the rope ladder I have outside my window incase of fire to try to talk to me. She knocks on the window in the middle of the night. She's one of the reasons I don't sleep. I ignore the knocking because I don't want to talk to her.

The next time she comes and knocks I'm going to tell her to leave me alone.

I want to break up with Bethany I truly do. I don't like her. I dated her out of my stupidity. I would break up with her but I can't. If I did I wouldn't be allowed to go near any of my 'friends' and kicked out of the populars. She has to break up with me, but she's too clingy that she wouldn't.

I like Jay and I think it's more than that, but she doesn't feel the same.

I feel like crap. I hurt her so much, she left. It feels like someone shot me or I hit my hip 3 times and the pain hasn't left but the pain is everywhere.

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