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" you stay here til we can confirm for real on if you really are the murderer for isadora." One o the police men said. Maya nodded her head as she was gently thrown in. She looked up to find the police men from before smirking at her walking to her cage.

"We have updated security camera too so now we can track your every move, from the court to you just walking around in the cage. So don't get any ideas." He inferred, walking away.

" oh and Greg my buddy here will be watching you. He is a very responsible police men" Greg sat down on a chair near Maya's cage.

" so what you gonna do Greg? Grab your Taser and shoot me in the butt ten times?" Greg chuckled.

" the amount on pain and revenge I have for you isn't even close to what you can picture" greg fumbled with the keys entering her cage before locking the door behind him.

" nice try buddy but didn't your big friend over there say that the security camera was updated?"

" one he's just a little over weighted , and two so what?"

" there are cameras in my cage staring at me from every single corner. That means anything you do to me here will show up on that little thingy" maya pointed to the wall where she knew the invisible camera was.

" you know where they are?"

" I payed attention on field trips and classes, so go ahead hit me I'm pretty sure something like that could get you fired for" the man grabbed his baton debating on getting revenge or leaving her alone. He groaned in frustration leaving the cage and sat back down in his chair.

" smart choice"

" shut up!" Maya leaned against the wall closing her eyes sighing hoping that this nightmare would come to an end.

Riley tapped her foot waiting for a response. The phone in her hand beeped as she sighed chatting it down and putting it in her pocket. She faced Farkle before looking to the other side.

" she's not picking up" she crossed her arms in frustration.

" I told you something like this would happen. Maybe she's in danger and we can't tell nor know" he shrugged.

" I'm sure she's fine maybe she was grounded or something happened. Maybe she's not in the mood to talk or another on of her family members died"

" you should be focusing more on the problem at hand"

" and what is that?"

" where are you gonna live?" Riley bit her lip tapping her foot trying to hide her pain.

" I'll rent a house"

" you don't have the money"


" you're n no condition to work" Farkle went to touch her stomach but she slapped his hand away.

" for the last time Farkle there is nothing to worry about I'm fine and that's all there is to know" she lied.

"I know you rile-"

" HOW. How do you know me when you've only met me for three days? Stop treating me like a close friend. I'm not any friend of yours and I never will" Riley stomped to the bench on the middle of the hallway. She took a deep breathing as her voice slowly wailed. Farkle sat besides her looking at her in confusion.

" why worry about me? Focus of maya more" all of a sudden. Zap. A thought rushed through rileys head.

" why do you worry so much about maya?" When Farkle didn't respond she began asking hm over and over again. She shook his shoulder nearly screaming in his ear.

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