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Riley looked up at the building sighing. She walked in pinching her noes from the stench. Smells like a dead barn yard. Walking up to the front desk she met face to face with ms.Cherry.

" oh hello there dear, I'm sorry but only children at an age of eighteen and above can visit alone. Any younger and you will need adult supervision". Crap.

" I know I may seem short to you but I'm actually older then you think."

" prove it?" Double crap.

" look mam I signed a sheet of paper days ago saying I could freely come and go visit an old friend of mine. If you forbade me passing then I'll call the police and have this place shut down" Riley said in a stunt voice. Inside she was smiling and smirking to herself. Nailed it.

Ms.Cherry hummed looking up and down at Riley before shrugging.

"which door?"

" may- er sandy's room." ms.Cherry had widen eyes.

" are you sure you should see her? shes a bit um..... dangerous. nobody's visited her since she can get a little crazy" riley nodded with a pose of bravery.

"alright, up the third floor, second door across the stairs" she pointed. riley nodded looking at the stair well. taking a deep breath she sprinted up the stairs. exiting the third floor she raced across the hall looking for the second door.

slamming it open maya screamed tumbling off her bed and to the floor. riley slammed the door shut breathing heavily as maya breathed a breath of relief knowing it was only her.

" my god you scared me, for a second i thought you where greg here for a visit"

" sorry- wait whose greg?"

" a hell that you dont want to meet" riley sat on the be helping maya up. she looked around the room in shock.


" i know right. for someone whose supposed to be a killer she did have a weird taste in designs"

" this looks like my imaginary room ive always dreamed about"

" i'd be happy to trade places with you" she sent her a fake smile stabbing her in the side with her foot.

" im not doing it for the room?" jumping off giving her the whole bed maya kicked her legs up.

" so whats the plan?" maya bit her lip placing her hands behind her head.

" thats the problem. this girl gots wits she knows my tatse, she knows my style and she also seems to know my life which makes it easy for her to ruin it. i would say we could do the same , but the fact that shes already been sent to jail and a mental hospital doesnt seem like any punishment we give her would be strong enough. What we need to do is set an ambush"

" oh and how to expect us to do that? Your framed as a wanted prisoner and I'm this close to being homeless" Riley pressed her fingers together but leaving a gap in between them. Maya leaned over the bed grabbing a flower which was secretly a scented pen. She entered the drawer looking for a notepad and pulled one out. Scribbling on it she looked up.

" so first idea?"

" how about we wait, let Sandy do something really dumb, get herself killed and pretend that you raised back from the dead" maya looked up to the sky.

" is this your fault? Are you doing this to me? Is this your way of telling me I should pray?"

" it seems like a pretty good plan" Riley shrugged.

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