Day 1

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Hey there again!  I'm surprised your still interested in reading the story of my life.  Since my life is so full of crap..... ANYWAYS,  here at Chicago orphanage for boys and girls the ladies that work here, have their  favorites. And by favorites I mean the "normal" kids. And since I'm not normal I get picked on.  Which isn't that bad once you get used to it. But that's besides the point. Now as I was saying, the favorites. How could you describe the favorites. Well why don't we start off with their names, age, etc.

Janet - age:15 LOVES and I mean LOVES  Justin Bieber and the color pink 🤢🤢.  She has light brown hair and light brown skin.  Janet is also friends with Daniella.

Daniella- age:15 Loves one direction and 5sos. She has light purple hair and a nose piercing. Daniella is also dating John.

John- age:16 likes rap,  basketball and baseball.  He also likes his girlfriend Daniella (obviously).  John has tan skin and dark brown hair. He's also. Friends with Gabriel.

Gabriel- age:16.  Has white skin and black curly hair.  Has a crush on Janet.  He likes basketball and he wears glasses.  He's also friends with Iris. 

Iris- age:14 she has black wavy hair and LOVES Nicky Minaj.  She is also the "queen bee"  of her group.  Alot of the kids here hate her.  And I'm one of those kids. 
Oh and we can't forget about my best friend Alex 😅!

Alex- age:16.  He has jet black hair and 3 piercings.  2 on his lips (snake bites)  and 1 in his tounge.  Might I add that he is HELLA hot.  Alex also has ice blue eyes and a six pack(which makes him even HOTTER TBFH 😍😍).
Anyways,  today the head lady told us to dress "appropriately"  because a family was coming over.  So I put on my most "appropriate" shirt,  which was a purple Panic! At the Disco,  and black skinny jeans with my black converse. After I changed I went downstairs and got in line with all of the other people in this orphanage.  Since me and Alex were both 16 we were both farther down the line.  About 20 minutes later this couple cams in.  They were both probably in their early 20's,  not to mention that they were very professional looking.  After the couple talked to the head lady,  saying that they wanted to adopt someone between the ages of 3-10. Me and all of the others who weren't in that age group left and went to out rooms. Once I entered my room,  I blasted Pierce The Veil,  and started jamming out.  After a while I turned off my music and took a nap.
When I woke up from my nap it was probably 7:30, so technically dinner. But since I wasn't that hungry I decided to take a shower. After I took a shower I went into my best friend Alex's room.
Audrey - hey Alex!
Alex- hey Audrey
Audrey - what are you doing?
Alex- Not much,  just thinking..
Audrey - Oh.  What are you thinking about?
Alex - if I'll get adopted,  if I'll ever find a family who won't return me after a week,  because "I'm a bad influence on their kids",  and stuff like that..
Audrey -  Don't worry Alex I'm sure there's a family out there who would love to have you as a son.  And if there isn't then when we turn 18 we can move in together!
Alex -  YEA,  that's sounds great.
After that I left Alex's room and went into my room.

Over the past few years I've started to like Alex.  Not like as a friend but like like him.  I don't know it's really silly if you ask me.  And to be honest I doubt he could ever like like me.  Oh well.

Hey guys I hope your liking the story so far.  I know it's not the best but oh well like and comment if I should fix some stuff,  or improve in anything (idk if fix and improve are the same thing)  Anyways I'll try to update soon.  In the next chapter I'll show pictures of what the characters look like.  Byeeeee ❤️❤️

Adopted by Sleeping With Sirens ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now