Chapter 2

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     You woke up on the ground with your head pounding because of the fall. You groaned and sat up slowly, looking at your surroundings. There were candles surrounding you in a circle. You looked down to see a red star on the ground.

You stood up and looked at it from your point of view. You don't remember what the symbol was called but you know what it is. (I actually don't remember and I don't feel like trying)

You then remembered the horrible image you saw earlier. You backed up until you hit something, which wasn't a wall. You stood there in fear and heard drops of ink drip onto the ground.

You looked with the corner of your eye and saw ink dropping and staining your clothes. You took two steps forward and spun around to where you can see the figure.

The figure looked frightening. It was tall and ink was sliding and dripping down everywhere from its body. It was like the ink was covering its eyes and just showing a demonic smile.

It walked toward you slowly as you backed up into the wall. You closed your eyes and turned away as the figure stopped in front of you.

     "Why did you come here?" Its sudden words startled you. You hesitated to speak. "Y-you can t-talk?" You managed to get out. "That's not the point, why did you come here?!" It raised its voice.

     You crossed your arms in front of your head in defense and started crying. You slid down the wall, sitting down and hoping to end this nightmare. "Ple-please d-don't yell.." You said in a quiet voice, loud enough for the figure to hear.

There was a silence. You peeked from your arms and looked up at the odd figure. You see some of the ink on its face sliding off, showing only its left eye. He stopped smiling and showed a face full of regret.

     "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry..I thought you were here to find someone and probably turn me in.." The figure started to look like the demon on the can of soup, but taller. You put your hands down, sill sitting, and looked up at the demon.

     "W-well I am looking for someone.." You started. The demon shot a glare at you. "B-but I wasn't planning to turn anyone in..I was looking for someone because my sister was crying that they went missing."

The demon stopped dripping ink. "Well that's a relief..who are you looking for, exactly?" He took a step back. You stood up, still leanin against the wall. "Know anyone with the name of Joey?" The demon's eyes shot wide open.

     He stayed quiet for a moment thinking about what you just said. You waved a hand in the air, trying to get his attention. "H-hello?" He snapped out of his thoughts. "I-I have to go.." He ran out the room. "Wait!" You looked out of the doorway and yelled, but he was gone.

"Where'd he go?"

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