Chapter 3

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You walked around the corridor, looking for the demon. Several minutes passed as you looked in each door. "Hello?" You ran into a door that was locked. You were really curious, so you got a hair pin from your hair and picked the lock. But before you could open it, you hear voices.

"P-please! Let me go! I'm sorry for what I've done! I-I promise not to do it again!"


"You can't undo what you did! And you can't do it again because no one else is around for you to do them what you did the last time! Now suffer, YOU TRAITOR!!"

He said that so coldly, it sent shivers down your spine. It was like multiple knives stabbing you in the chest multiple times. You heard a scream then a splat!

Your heart started racing again, afraid of what the demon might have just done to Joey. Your hand shook on the doorknob and slowly twisted it. You opened it but something pushed it closed again.

You saw blood slide under the door and panicked. "J-Joey..holy sh*t.." Tears filled your eyes as the thought of Joey's death filled your head. You ran off around the corridor, not knowing where you're going, while crying.

     You quickly turned after about a minute of running and didn't see that there were stairs. You ran into a hallway with a pool a ink flowing to the to the bottom of the doorway.

     You spit out some ink that got in your mouth and started running to the other side of the hallway again. Once you ran out the door, the demon ran in front of it, making you run into him and falling backwards into the pool of ink.

You stood out of it and coughed ink. You looked back up at the demon and saw Joey's blood all over his hands and body. You gasped and slowly backed away and started running through the ink, which was really slowing you down.

Ink quickly formed into the shape of the demon from earlier. "Where are you trying to go?!" The demon grabbed your arm, trying to keep you from running. "I'M TRYING TO FIND A WAY OUT OF HERE, AWAY FROM YOU, Y-YOU MONSTER!!" You tried to struggle out of his grip.

You gave up and started crying. "" You caught him off guard and yanked your arm. You backed away and walked out of the ink pool. Your clothes were stained with ink all over. You ran off, not even knowing where you're going.

     Soon, you sat in the corner of a random room you walked into. You leaned onto the wall, facing the other wall crying. You heard the door creak open a bit. You glanced at the demon, who's shadow was in the doorway.

     You couldn't see his face. You started at him until you decided to say something. "What are you going to do with me? Why did you kill him? Who are you?!" You semi yelled at him, you're eyes still filled with tears. You wanted to ask more questions, but you feel like you're putting too much pressure on him.

He walked off, with you assuming he didn't know what to do next. You stayed in the corner and cried yourself to sleep after a while.

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