Chapter 7

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What is it with doorknobs and locks? I can spend my entire life struggling with them! I finally reached home and guess what, I'm home alone! Not surprising. My parents are barely home. I went up to my room, it's untouched. I have a feeling my parents didn't notice I'm missing. So caring parents. I plop down on my bed, and play with my locket. I drift off to sleep into Dreamland.

I take my usual seat in my English class, last bench in the left corner of the room. Miss Julia has given us a paper to write on things that weird us out or weird things. I don't bother writing since Miss Julia doesn't care and also I already have an A grade in English. Maria is writing about ghosts. That girl is a nut case I swear.

After school, I went to Maria's place. I've been alone for too long at home. She's been asking me all those weird, stupid questions. We did some research together for her paper on Ghosts. Apparently, those who've seen death can see ghosts. Strange right? I don't believe it but whatever.But Maria is super psyched about it. Remember how she saw her dad die? She says she sees ghosts, who don't know they're dead, who live normally like normal people between normal people, and she gets distant and lost talking about it. I hope this paper gets over soon because she's freaking me out. Her small sad smiles towards me have been more frequent. And I'd like to think I'm not imagining her cat's glares drilling holes into me. Anyways I'm thinking of heading back home again, I'm not sure when but soon. God bless me. It is quite lonely.

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