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Pine filled my nose. I sat on my ledge of my house or 'vacation' home you could say. Birthdays. Whoop Dee doo you just grow older. I hate it and don't care for birthdays. Mine especially. I am just getting older an older by the minute. By the hour. Sixteen isn't too old but still I don't want to become an old, wrinkly, cranky women.

I look at my surroundings. Trees in all different sizes. Some too tall to even enjoy the beautiful aqua sky. My father is drinking his life away inside. My mother cooking for everyone. Most of my friends spread out inside or wandering the amazing forest. My parents friends laughing way to loudly and drinking with my father. Cruising me to death. Or was....

I couldn't take it anymore. So that's how I ended up outside on my birthday. Alone. Sweet sixteen isn't so sweet after all. Or as I hoped it would be. My birthday always end in tears I should have known this year wouldn't have been any different.

I try not to cry, to keep all these feelings and emotions inside. But I've been keeping my feelings bottled up for too long. I just want to cry my eyes out. Even though it won't do myself any good. No it will, my heart won't feel like its shattering into tiny puzzle pieces. Coming here was just to get away from our town and problem. To just have fun. Its not like anyone really cares anyways. Dad just wants to complain on being here and how much he has wasted on me already. It saddens me, why can't he just enjoy his time with his only daughter. His only child at that. I only turn sixteen once. But no, I'm not good enough. I never will be good enough for that man. Or anyone for that matter.

I just cant understand why I let this ridiculous man play with my emotions, Turning over to my anger is what I do. I know everyone just talks about me when I leave the room or even enter one. Its so obvious. Or when they think I'm not there in listening range. It cant be helped that I have a sensitive heart and lonely looking eyes Maybe my period will come soon. Maybe that's why I'm so emotional. Yeah Ill use that for my excuse..

"Bobbie come back inside." I hear him yell. I turned my head to see my friend Tyler walking down the wooden stairs. He plops right down next to me.

"I will." I averted my eyes from his.

"Bobbie I know you've been crying. There really isn't a point in lying to my face. I can seethe dared up tears on your cheeks. And new tears spilling over." I looked from the corner of my eye and saw him looking at me with concern. I looked away.

"I don't want to talk about it Tyler. Please just leave me alone. I cant be inside right now. But Ill be in there a little bit. Okay?" I still avoided making any eye contact.

" Nope not okay Bobbie. Not this time. This birthday is going to be different... please just come inside with me. You have to enjoy this experience. Fuck what everybody and their judgmental asses." He keep staring at me until I looked at him in his eyes. The stare wasn't as intense as it was in the beginning. I sighed trying to collect myself.

"Okay." I got up and Tyler pulled me into a hug. I squeezed back and felt better instantly.

"Thanks, now lets go have some fun.!" I smiled and we walked back upstairs and into the house.

Hours later everyone and I mean everyone was drunk including myself. Tyler and I were the only ones awake. It was about one in the morning. We were in the back room. It was sound proofed for some unknown reason. Tyler locked the door behind him. Walking towards me with a sexy drunken grin.

"So what now." I slurred my body felt heavy and so did my words. But I continued to stare at him with lustful eyes.

"I don't know" He shrugged. His beautiful eyes looking at me up and down. His breathe smelled deathly like alcohol. but in that moment I didn't care. His lips and stares made me want him so much more. My body tingled and adrenaline ran through my veins. My mind was set on one thing and that thing was him. His pink plump lips and muscled body stopped in front of me. And I started to admire his tan skin and brown eyes. Shot darks brown hair but enough for me to grab a hold of. Wait a minute Bobbie this is Tyler your best friend..

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