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Chapter 5


"That you got pregnant?" I was speechless, of course I didn't want to judge. He nodded looking some what relieved, what did he want me to do? Go rant and yell and stomp on things? We aren't really together. Though I do feel a bit of something...

"Wait so your telling me, you had got a girl Prego?" he nodded his head again. My eyes opened wide and all I could say was 'oh'.

"OH? That's all you have to say?" he looked like he wanted to laugh at my reaction. I rose my eyebrow at him and narrowed my eyes.

"What do you want me to say? Good job or something very rude? I can't judge you! I'm stuck in the same situation, okay maybe not but my ego is Prego soooo?" he shook his head and started to walk to the car.

"Its not that Bobbie. I didn't want any one to know. And I was thinking you would have a different reaction. I was afraid to tell you." he unlocked his borrowed car and got in.

"It's not like I am your real girlfriend to freak out Chris. I respect that you didn't want anyone to know but seriously you know my dirty secret. It would have been fair if I knew yours. Why is your brother so hell bent on you telling me?" Chris backed out the car and headed over the police station. His expression turned sour.

"Because he is a jack ass like you said. He wanted to break us up. So I couldn't be happy, but then again I guess he was mad because of Darla. I still don't know why since he got her anyways."

"Wait now I am very confused. Please do tell your story buddy. Plus if she is pregnant why aren't you with her? You shouldn't be over here with me Chris." I scowled at him. I know I was jumping to conclusions but can you blame me. You would too.

"Its not like that Bobbie. She didn't want my kid. She didn't even want me to tell you the truth, don't be so eager to judge me on that. I am helping you out, you should know I would go and take care of my own child." he growled at me, he sighed to calm himself.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. But still you know." I was going to say you would question me, but he has with Tyler. So that's why he was so pissed that I wouldn't tell him.

"I know, I did jump to conclusions about Tyler. I still think you should tell him, he does deserve to know Bobbie." He glanced at me trying to make me see the situation but I looked away from him and looked out the window.

"Don't go making this about me mister. Stop trying to change the subject... I do want to know what happened to Darla." I felt a real dislike towards the girl and I didn't even know her. He sighed and went on to continue his story.

"Okay...Darla was my girlfriend for a year. I really did love her but love can be blind and stupid. So I never saw what she was doing to me behind my back. My brother and I were okay as far as siblings go. But when he met her last Christmas I could see the way he was looking at her and I warned him. Not so nice either. Darla is my age...17. So I continued on being blind and never noticed how she would only come over to see Leon. We constantly got into fights, not an argument. Fights... over her. She enjoyed it actually. Still I didn't leave her. About 3 months ago, a couple weeks before I met you actually. We find out she was pregnant but she had done drugs and I didn't even know until I saw pictures. Of course she didn't know she was pregnant but I thought she had quite all the hard drugs. I was furious of course and happy. Furious that she lied and damaged our kid but happy that you know she was having my kid. She wasn't happy believe me, she threw fits and yelled at everyone.

"I knew that we were young and maybe that was why she was angry. Because we were young but even when I tried to reassure her she wouldn't listen. Leon kept up with trying to steal her away and then I noticed she had liked him. I should have noticed when they first met but no I didn't. She started to avoid me and then one day she had said she was getting an abortion. She didn't want me to be a young father and she didn't want the kid herself. She broke up with me and told me that she stopped wanting me a long time ago. I didn't believe what I had heard so I went to beat the shit out of Leon. We both ended up hurting each other equally...then Darla came around again to tell me off. Basically a confession saying that she cheated on me and lied.

Loves,Pregnancies,Stalkers!OhMy!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum