Meeting the Malfoy's

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"OK." I said as walk into the wand shop. The first thing I hear is "What house do you think they will be in?" coming from a set of twins. "Who the bloody hell are they?" Pansy says annoyed. "The Malfoys. Duh." says the girl."Wow. Sassy." I say impressed. "Who are the..." Hermione started but we cut her off. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" Pansy, Luna, and I said at the same time. "What is wrong with our family? We happen to be one of the most well liked families in all of the-" the male started to say. When the female interrupts saying, "Draco I think one of them knows, no need to explain it to everyone we pass by. Anyways, I'm Aylee Malfoy, the nicer twin." "That's debatable." He said back to Aylee. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Draco continued to cut his sister off, she rolled her eyes and looked at her twin. "Draco you don't have to do that to every single person, it is slightly annoying after a while." She said, as if she was reminding him for a hundredth time. He now looked at her with a small glare. "So much sass for such a young age." Luna stated, looking at Aylee and Aylee smiled. "Thank you, I really do try." She replied with a small smile. I sat stared at Draco then rolled my eyes and Looked at Aylee. I had to admit the two looked similar. Aylee and the girls were in the middle of a conversation when Mr. Ollivander came to the front desk with six wand boxes. "Well it seems as if we have some wands to try." Aylee said, looking over at the counter as he set the wands out. "Well I think anyone would have been able to guess that Miss Sherlock Holmes." Hermione said, glancing over at Aylee. The others looked at Hermione in confusion. "Who is Sherlock Holmes?" Draco asked, in a rude tone, earning a glare from his sister. "Is it some sort of wizard we've never heard of?" Pansy asked, looking at Hermione. I leaned on a pillar in the wand shop, my hand cover my mouth as I laughed lightly. I knew who it is, but I am not going to help them in the slightest bit. I just continued to laugh as they asked Hermione questions and she got more annoyed every second. I stood up and walk to the counter with Draco walking behind me. "So, you go tired of the conversation as well?" Draco asked as he now stood beside me. "No, I've known the answer all along." I replied with a small smirk. "Then why didn't you tell them in the beginning?" Draco asked, looking at me slightly shocked. "Cause it's more fun to see them struggle, and Hermione get frustrated." I answered, and Draco gave a small smile. That's surprising, maybe he's fallen ill in the last ten seconds. "Well," I said smirking. "Here try this." I say handing him the first wand box. "Thank you Miss..." Draco says trying to ask my name. "Pandora. Pandora Lupin." I lied straight through my teeth, I really hoped he bought it though. "Well, thank you Miss Lupin." Draco said taking my hand kissing the top of it. I began to feel flustered, this had never really happened to me. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say something or what. I just gave him a small smile as he let go of my hand. I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone cupped a hand in front of my ear. I felt the warm and gigglish breath of Pansy as she whispered, "Looks like Ruby's got a boyfriend." I could hear the smile in her voice and I was fighting to not blush in that instant. Draco looked a tad confused as she did so. His twin sister, gave a small smirk before leaving the group and standing next to Draco. "Draco over here never likes people, let alone flirts with them-"Aylee began when Draco's eyes widened a bit. "I wasn't flirting with-" Draco began, his voice cracking slightly. "Oh don't lie to me or yourself, it'll be no good for you. So like I was saying, there must be special about you.. I wonder what." Aylee concluded, the small smirk was now a full smirk. I knew what that look was, I had heard about it. The Malfoy smirk, I think we are all officially in too deep now...

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