Where Have I Been.

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"Red hair and hand me down robe, You must be a Weasley!" Draco said to my brother. Of course he didn't know Ron was my brother, nor did he know who I really was. Ron looked down and Alyee looked at me. I was pissed. "Oi! What the bloody hell is wrong with being a Weasley!" I shout Shoving Draco. My hair turned it's natural fiery red as I yelled in his face. "I will have you know that I am Ruby Annabelle Cheshire Weasley and am proud to be! You have No right to dis my family name. Do I dis yours? Your sister is one of my best friends, Malfoy and I thought you were too but now I am not sure. The next time you say anything bad about the Weasley family I will be sure that hexes aren't the only thing that will happen to you! Is the clear Draco Lucius Malfoy?" By the time I was finished yelling my wand was in his face. "Star!" I yelled behind me as Alyee came up. "Yes Padfoot?" "I presume you will deal with him?" She nodded and laughed. Draco was backing away from me scared. "Come on scaredy cat." Alyee said leading Draco away. I put my wand in my pocket and flipped me hair over my shoulder whilst I turn around. There stands Ron, my 7 minute younger brother, with tears in his eyes. "Ruby? is that really you?" I smiled at Ron. "Hey little brother." He attacked me with a hug as a couple of girls started saying things about how I was the girl-who-lived. I hugged him back saying, "How you been after all these years?" Ron just smiled. I walked back to Pansy with Ron walking beside me. "So Pads your name is Ruby now right?" I looked at Pansy. "Duh Prongs. Duh" she playfully hit my arm.
"We will begin the sorting now." Mcgonagall said as Ron went to Harry. Pansy and I went to Hermione Luna and Alyee. "Granger, Hermione!" Alyee and I put our thumbs up and smiled at her. She sat on the stool as the hat went on her head. "GRYFFINDOR!" I clapped for my friend as Alyee out her thumbs up again. "Lovegood, Luna." I patted her on the back and whispered "you will be fine." She sat on the stool and bit her lip. "RAVENCLAW!" I smile at her. "Parkinson, Pansy." she walked up with so much confidence. I laughed a bit. "SLYTHERIN!" The hat said after a little while. "Potter, Harry." It sat on his head for a while before it screamed, "GRYFFINDOR!" "Malfoy, Draco" Before the hat touched his head it yelled,"SLYTHERIN!" Alyee laughed. "Malfoy, Alyee." "Wish me luck." "Good luck." I stated as she walked up. It sat on her head for a minute then yelled. "SLYTHERIN!" Then Mcgonagall said "Weasley, Ron" Ron looked at me then walked up to the stool. "GRYFFINDOR!" It said after a while. My heart raced. I didn't want her to say my name. I knew where I was going. Slytherin. "O-oh my W-weasley, R-ruby." Everyone but the first years gasp. I held my head high and walked to the stool. I sat down. The hat was put on my head. I kept my eyes on the Great Hall door. 'Hmmm. Another Weasley.' I closed my eyes. 'This one thought to be dead. Welcome Miss Weasley. Now you aren't like the rest of your family. Hmm you are smart but aren't a Ravenclaw like you friend Miss Lovegood. Nor a Hufflepuff Mister Diggory. You are brave but I think the best house for you is...' "Slytherin." I whispered as the hat yelled "SLYTHERIN!" My eyes burst open with fire in them. She took the hat of my head as the Slytherin crest showed up on my left breast. I held my head up as the Slytherin table burst into ecstatic clapping. As I walked towards my table I passed Hermione who grabbed my hand. She hugged me and said, "Good Luck Padfoot." "Thanks Moony" Alyee and Pansy stood up and hugged me as I arrived at my table sitting down.

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