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Three loud knocks brought Giovanna out of her trance and without hesitation she stalked towards her door. Her heart raced, everyone was meant to be in the breakfast hall.

"Princess Giovanna Katerina Kontstantopolous, open this door before I break it down." Helga's voice boomed, startling Giovanna.

"Princess Helga Lagertha Ludbroak, go away before I cry a thousand tears!" Giovanna barked back, before opening the door swiftly.

"King Ragnar Ludbroak of Iceland is looking forward to seeing you later today. I expect you to dress accordingly." Helga added with a smirk plastered on to her face.

Giovanna froze. Her mind was racing with all the possible answers she could reply with, however her mouth only allowed a high pitched screech.

"Ragnar is coming? Since when? Why are you only informing me now? I must get ready! When does he arrive?" All of Giovanna questions came out at once, giving Helga no time to answer.

"First question; it was a planned visit since I haven't seen him in almost a month. Second question, I'm only informing you now because I forgot what month it is. Final question, he arrives at three in the afternoon, so I'll meet you outside of Thermopolis' room?" Helga answered, nodding her head with every question.

Giovanna grinned from ear to ear whilst jumping up and down like a happy little child. The gods had answered her prayers for a reason to miss Hercules's lesson of the day.

"NO HERCULES!" Giovanna exclaimed, her face glowing red with excitement.

Before Giovanna could pass out with excitement, Helga dragged her out of the room and towards the stairs.

"But... but, elevator!" Giovanna pouted, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"But pre-PE workout." Helga added, dragging her further down the stairs.

The walk to the field was long, quiet and cold. There was an opportunity for both of the girls to be dropped off but Helga was against the idea.

Giovanna wanted to cry, the cold weather nipped at her legs. Her shorts barely covered half of her thigh and the fleece they all had been given was thin.

"Hey, don't look grumpy, grumpy." Both girls whipped their heads around and scowled as soon as they saw Isaac Moore driving slowly past them.

Isaac Moore; the young Hawaiian entrepreneur, was the only boy at the school that Helga felt comfortable having lengthy conversation with. His curled brown hair and tanned skin made him stand out from both of the girls, making him an attention grabber.

"Move over, I'm jumping in!" Giovanna cried, running towards Isaac's car.

Without hesitating, Isaac unlocked the car door and swung it open. As both Helga and Giovanna climbed their way into the car; Isaac began to play the music of Greece, which made Giovanna feel homesick but also happy. Isaac would often do this to both girls whenever they got into his car, the last time ended with Isaac in a headlock because he played the wrong Icelandic music and made Helga mad, or at least that was what she said, but Giovanna knew it was a weird way for her to thank him.

The rest of the car journey was spent with loud bass music on to get everyone in a sporty mood, however Helga was already in that mood.

PE consisted of Giovanna complaining about every little detail, from the rain to how her shoes were covered in mud. Helga took everything in, ignored it and continued to run laps around the field. The ride back to the dorms also consisted of more complaining, ignoring and bickering between all three of them, however the bickering and complaining was mostly between Giovanna and Isaac.

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