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Magnus had been with Giovanna for a little over twenty four days and already, Gio was fed up. After her fall out with Katsina, that lasted more than the three hours and ten minutes they had spent face to face, she couldn't be bothered with anything or anyone anymore. Helga had tried to amend the fracture in Katsina and Giovanna's friendship, however all of her attempts had flopped. Along with Magnus trying his best to help, which seemed to only make things worse.

The opening of the door brought Geo out of her intense stare. Her head slowly cocked to the side, her eyebrow raised as she stared down Magnus. The man only mere hours ago, she was trying to hide from.

"I don't want to go into any lesson today, Magnus..." Giovanna said, pouting her lips. Magnus walked over to Geo, taking her by the hand. After an entire night of running from Magnus, she was tired and wished for nothing more but an extra hour of sleep.

"Come on, Giovanna! We can either watch a film and laze about all day or we can go to your extended Cinematography lesson." Magnus replied, raising his eyebrow slightly.

She paused, pondering for just a moment. Did she want to stay? Yes, yes of course she did. But she also needed, no, she wanted to learn, her cinematography helped her take her mind off of everything.

"Ugh, fine. Take me to cinematography, but I want a piggy-back." She said, jumping straight on to Magnus's back. He obliged, however he had no choice over the matter.

Many of the students had automatically assumed that the pair were dating, Helga shot down a few of the rumours within the first three days, with a simple white lie of her own. She had simply stated that Giovanna was actually dating someone else, though their name was had never been mentioned.

Before either of them could get into the elevator, Giovanna jumped down from his back. Her face was stern, and her arms crossed.

"I've never had an extended cinematography lesson in the entire three years I've studied it, Magnus." She seethed, her thoughts were clouded with confusion and anger. Giovanna couldn't string working sentences in her mind as to why Magnus had lied to her, but she guessed that was just, simply, part of the job.

"Well, to answer all of the questions you may have in your head truthfully, you were wasting away in your room. Do you have any idea what good you could be doing?" Magnus spat back his response as the elevator doors opened.

Giovanna ignored him for the rest of the day, she ignored everyone up until dinner, where she had to at least mutter a 'hello' to people.

"Giovanna Katrina Konstantopoulos, please come with me." Casey Jackson said nicely, as he walked towards the Greek row of tables.

As the high school was formed of many people from different countries, the canteen was divided to. It was highly unlikely, if not impossible, that you'd find a Russian on an Irish table, or a Hawaiian on a Greek table. The only two tables that were mixed was Gio's table and the table Casey sat on.

"No." Giovanna simply muttered back before taking a bite out of her celery stick dipped in peanut butter. Casey's face reddened and his hands clenched shut, he wasn't one to take rejection easily.

"Please, Princess." He whispered into her ear, which only angered Giovanna more. She was angry that Casey had invaded her privacy and that he had gone snooping around for things to use as blackmail.

"What did you just call me?" Giovanna asked, standing up from her seat, placing her hands onto his chest, pushing him backwards.

"You heard what I said; now, come with me and your secret is safe. But if you refuse, I can tell Eleonora to spread it around this campus like a wildfire, do you understand?" Casey added, staring down at the rest of Giovanna's companions. However, she just nodded, gulping down her anger and nerves to keep an emotionless face.

"If anyone follows you, the story is out." Wolfgang added from out of nowhere. Giovanna glanced back at her table, her eyes pleading with them, however she shook her head and walked behind the two men with her celery sticks and peanut butter at hand in case she grew hungry during her next few hours of communicating with the spawns of Satan.

"So it took you an entire month to think of this? Christmas is next week and this is my present? Blackmail and bullying?" Giovanna said as all three of them stepped out on to the corridor. Wolfgang simply nodded, shrugging his shoulders without a care in the world.

"We aren't holding you at ransom, Gee, you are free to leave when we are done talking." Casey said, trying to calm Giovanna down. Instead of calming down, Gio bit down onto one of her celery sticks with anger and annoyance.

"Let me guess, you're working for someone with much more power and money? You're trying to lure me in so you can indeed take me for ransom as you know if I don't show up later today for supper you'll have three different groups of people looking for me. If it's money you want, I can give it to you." Giovanna stated, walking towards an empty, dark classroom.

"We do not want your money, Prinzessin. As we stated before this meeting, we need your help." Wolfgang Meisner stated, opening the door and switching on the light.

"Well, when you say it like that , I'd love to help." Giovanna sarcastically responded, rolling her eyes at them.

"Great! Fantastic, even! What I need you to do is to pretend to date me." Casey spoke with such enthusiasm that made Giovanna want to projectile vomit.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Giovanna coughed out, as if she didn't hear Casey correctly. She wished she had heard Casey incorrectly.

"You, me... date until Saint Patrick's Day?" Casey asked again, with a cheeky smirk plastered onto his face. Over three months with Casey by her side, Giovanna shuddered at the idea.

"No! Absolutely not, ask Katsina or someone else, because I have standards." Giovanna said, abruptly walking towards the door and slamming it in their faces before they had any time to stop her.

As Giovanna walked towards the Library, she stopped just to face palm herself momentarily for leaving her celery sticks and peanut butter in the classroom 'of doom'. She didn't want to go back for them, so she carried on, venting out her annoyance to everyone around her as she walked.

'Dear Papouli,
I'm being blackmailed, and I don't know what to do.
I know this isn't as important as running Greece, but I don't know who else to turn to. Hopefully, you won't get this until I've gone back to school, meaning I won't get an earful from you and Gino, so I'm lucky mail is slow as a snail in Italy.
Let's hope they leave it alone, after Christmas! I look forward to coming home tomorrow, and spending Christmas with those I love... and also Katsina.
Love always,
Gee Konst - Stav'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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