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Three days had passed since Giovanna had agreed to have a bodyguard. It had been two days since she attempted to plea with her father, Gino, about how a bodyguard could ruin her life. It had been one day since she had realised her left hand was sprained. However bad that seemed, Giovanna was just grateful that she didn't have to do exercise filled lessons for the next six weeks until it had heeled properly.

Tomorrow would be Giovanna's last day of freedom, as for Tuesday was when Magnus would arrive from Iceland and make her life harder.

Giovanna had always lived in the moment, but now she had to think. She had to think of ways to lose Magnus in the crowd of students after every lesson. She had to think of ways to get rid of him during the weekend, but most importantly, she had to think of ways to get rid of him completely.

She loved Magnus, with all of her heart, but she didn't want him to be her bodyguard. Especially when she had emotional ties to some of his family members.

Once again, someone knocked on her door with what sounded like a mallet. Instead of answering the door, Giovanna rolled over, covering her head with one of her pillows.

The banging didn't stop until she heard the door handle turn. Luckily, she had remembered to lock the door last night, otherwise she'd be thinking of ways to escape a mallet wielding murderer.

Her heart started to race when she heard, what she could only think of to be a key go into the door. No one but her Papouli had a key. Not even Katsina or Helga possessed one.

Giovanna had no where to hide, no where to run to. Instead of starting to panic, she used the little combat training she had let Rollo teach her.

She grabbed a baseball bat she had stashed away under her bed and hid behind the wardrobe door. If someone was to try and smash her head in with a mallet, they'd better have a good aim, because one blow to the temple and they'd go down.

The door swung open, only to reveal a very angry looking Isaac and his younger brother Luke. Giovanna dropped the bat and laid a hand on to her chest.

"You could've given me a premature heart attack, you idiots! Who's idea was it? Luke, was it yours?" Giovanna scolded them both whilst walking in their direction.

"Once Helga hears about this; best of luck walking for the next few days." She added, whilst pushing them back out of the door.

"Spare me the details, Geo. I'm only here because Isaac here has never broken into a room, building or the cookie jar our mother used to keep around." Luke added, holding his hands up in surrender before turning on his heel and walking off. As soon as Luke was out of sight, Isaac pushed his way into her room, slamming the door behind him.

"I need you to help me. I have this thing that is confusing and I hate things that are confusing." Isaac confessed, his mouth turned into a pout.

Giovanna rolled her eyes and jumped back onto her bed, putting the pillow back over her head. She thought if she couldn't hear Isaac, that he wasn't really there.

"I'm still here, you rude child." Isaac muttered before jumping on top of her, which caused her to groan out in pain.

"You're heavy and restricting my breathing, child." Giovanna coughed out, pushing all of Isaacs weight from off of her chest.

"Whatever, now help me with my problem!" Isaac demanded, rolling off of her and comfortably onto the bed.

The pair spent an hour just laying on top of the bed, discussing every topic except Isaac's important problem which was why he was here in the first place.

Questions were running through her head, why did Luke know how to pick locks, why couldn't Isaac just ring, why did she have to procrastinate sleep last night?

"Right, Isaac!" Giovanna sang which startled Isaac, making him jump slightly.

"You have exactly three seconds to tell my why you broke in here, before I kick you out and down the stairs." She added, poking him in the side repeatedly before getting what she had wanted.

"First of all, you have to tell me why your parents called you Giovanna!" He exclaimed, making her smack him on the side of his head, she wasn't in the mood for his time wasting, or his avoidance of the topic at hand.

"I like this person, but how do I know if they like me back? Do I flirt, or do I just be blunt?" He mumbled out quickly with his hands over his face.

Giovanna sighed, placing on of her hands on to his shoulder. She hadn't ever been in the situation where she liked someone enough to tell them; Bjorn was the exception as he was strictly off limits.

It confused her why Isaac had gone to her and not Katsina, they both have had more relationship experience than Geo had experience with filming and she filmed at least once a week for her Cinematography class.

Before long, Giovanna had given her haphazard advice and sent Isaac on his way, however before he could leave though, she had stolen the half eaten chocolate donut from out of his pocket. She thought he simply wouldn't miss it, plus who could blame her, they had been talking through the time lunch would be served.

Her phone, throughout the time it took Giovanna to her from her bed to the bathroom, had seventeen missed calls and forty eight unread messages. She was more than confused as to why someone, or someone's would message her forty eight times, but surely after the first few unread texts they'd get the point?

"Why does it have to be the one day I want to sleep that everyone needs me?! Is the King of England coming for tea of something?"She exclaimed to herself, the last comment was full of sarcasm, however no one would be able to appreciate it.

As she brushed her teeth and hair, she pondered to herself as to how she would react when actual royalty, such as the King of England per say, came for a spot of afternoon tea in the tea lounge.

After she had done in the bathroom, she began to stalk her way back over to her bed, grabbing bottled water and a tube of crisps on the way.

Finally, her one day of comfort could begin. Without a care in the world, Giovanna slipped back under the covers, placed her headphones on and began to watch television on her computer. At least then, no one would know if she was in her room or not.

Before long, the day of comfort was over. Someone else had decided to knock on the door with another rubber mallet. Instead of ignoring it, Giovanna stomped up to the door and yanked it open.

"Go away, I don't want human contact until tomorrow!" She yelled before she could realise who it was.

Katsina wore a look of disgust on her face, as if she had seen her favourite handbag being set alight.

"Dearest cousin, I want you get dressed as we were meant to go to a gown fitting two hours ago." Katsina spoke, her nose pointing to the ceiling.

"Get off of your high horse. The gown fitting is scheduled for three months time, in February." Giovanna responded, causing Katsina to frown. Her cousin was being rude, so she felt every need to be as rude back.

"You cannot slob around in your room like a... like a peasant!" Katsina cried out, pointing her long and bony finger into Giovanna's shoulder.

"I'd break your neck, so I'd be careful if I was you. Don't you have, like, a booty call with Meisner? Or Erikson? Or even Jackson?" She seethed back, pushing Katsina out of her room.

Katsina turned bright red, her face matched the horrid colour of her fading red handbag. Giovanna had no idea what had caused her cousin to be so rude and disrespectful. She wasn't normally like this.

Before Katsina could say another word, Giovanna roughly slammed the door in her face and flopped back down onto her bed.

She began to think. Her mind was working overtime on her lazy day. Did Isaac want to confess his love to Katsina? Or was it someone else? Was she a slob, if she was, it didn't bother her!Was she the sole reason Kat was so angry, or did something just crawl down her oesophagus, choke her and then die?

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