Tour Life With BVB

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Author's note: Okay so I originally wrote this ( and still am writing ) this for one of my friends. So the basic outline of the story is that my friend ( who wanted to be in the story ) and her best mate ( not me haha ) are best friends with BVB and go on tour with them and lots of events happen. I'm not 100% sure what this is going to be like but oh well. And, I have only just realised how long this intro is, but yeah, this is probably one massive fail.

And so we begin....

"WHO HAS EATEN MY FUCKING BACON!? IT IS MY BACON, CLEARLY IT HAS MY NAME WRITTEN ON IT, SO WHO THE FUCK ATE IT!?" You groaned, rolling over in the tour bus bunk. First night into being on a tour bus with your best mates and the first morning in and everything is already kicking off. "Jake, shut the fuck up!" You heard CC yell from the bunk above you. "NO I WONT FUCKING SHUT UP!" "No one cares about your bacon, just eat some cornflakes!" "I BET IT WAS ASHLEY! THAT LITTKE INNOCENT SHIT!" You groaned again as you heard heavy footsteps and the sound of a bunk curtain being violently opened. "OK PRETTY BOY, OWN UP!" You heard Ashley grumble something. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" "I didn't touch your precious bacon!" "WELL THEN WHO DID!?" "I don't bloody know, can I go back to sleep now!?" "Yes, fine!" "JINXX, WAS IT YOU?" "Do I look like I have eaten breakfast yet!?" "Well, I don't know, have you?" "NO!" "Ok ok, calm your self down boy." "ANDY, DID YOU EAT MY BACON!?" "NO I DID NOT, GO AWAY!" "CC, DID YOU EAT MY BACON!?" "NO!!!" "Fine then, I will ask the girls!" For the second time you heard a bunk curtain open. "ZOE DID YOU EAT MY BACON!?" "Piss off Jake, I didn't touch your bacon!" You heard a heavy sigh. Then, bright light filled your bunk as Jakes face appeared. "DID YOU EAT MY BACON!?" "No I fucking didn't! Maybe you ate it at midnight when you were drunk!?" "Oh, maybe I did." "Good, problem solved, goodnight!" You rolled over, snuggling under the duvet, rolling your eyes. "I can't fucking sleep now!" You heard Ashley grumble from his bunk. "That makes all of us then. Aside from CC." "Yes, as usual." "Dear god, how long does that boy sleep for?" "Goodness knows, as long as he wants." "Huh, he better wake up soon, that's all I'm gonna say." "Well, I am going to get food and watch shitty television, so bon voyage amigos." You heard Andy move from his bunk and head off into the kitchen. You weren't going to lie, you had a crush. But it wasn't just any crush, your crush was Andy, one of your best mates. You had had this crush for about three months now, and you hadn't told anyone about it. You were wondering how long it would be until someone realised, and you were scared about what would happen when they did. "I might as well get up as well." Jinxx grumbled. You then all heard a loud thump, and a lot of swearing. "Fucking bus roof!" "Why the fuck is it so low?" You let out a snigger, forgetting that Jinxx had the bunk above you. "SHUT UP OLIVIA, YOU MAY BE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS BUT THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!" Yet again you hear another thump, and more swearing. "Jinxx, just get out of the bunk like a normal person." Ashley sighed, but you could hear the humour in his voice. You chuckled, hearing Jinxx slide down from his bunk and huff off to the bathroom. "Im going to join Andy Pandy." Jake said happily, skipping off to the back lounge. This left you, an asleep CC, Ashley and Zoe. You rolled your eyes, deciding it was a good idea to either pretend to be asleep, or go into a different room, cause any minute now Ashley and Zoe were going to be lovey dovey and start cuddling or something. Why couldnt you be like that with Andy? You thought angrily to yourself as you forced in your headphones and turned your music onto full.

Tour Life With BVBWhere stories live. Discover now