Tour Life With BVB

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Authors note: I only just realised that the last chaper wasn't as long as the first but thats okay...i think..

The guys were watching love actually...again. You and Andy had finished the cupcake, and were now sharing the can of coke. You were enjoying this too much. Soon enough though, things got out of control. Andy fell asleep on your shoulder, and then progressivly, he was fast asleep with his head in your lap. This was too much for you to cope with, and you werent really sure if you should die of happiness or pretend to be asleep. So, you went with the second one, but instead you fell asleep, but who better than a drunk jesus to wake you up? By meaning of wake you up, he cannonballed onto you and Andy, causing a lot of shouting and swearing. "CC WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" "I am jesus!" "NO YOUR NOT, AND I WAS ASLEEP!" "I am jesus, and i like crackers and whiskey!" "Dear god, someone hit him with something!" "We need a frying pan!" "Good idea, i will fetch it!" Jinxx said happily, then a frown appeared after he realised Jake was fast asleep on him. "Fuck sake Jake, get off my shoulder!" Jake let out a groan, rolling off Jinxx and onto the floor. "Fuck!" Jinxx ran off to the kitchen to find something and returned with a plastic cup. "What the fuck?" Its all i could find to kill jesus ( CC ) with!" While all this was going on, you were still sitting there with Andy draped across your lap. No one had seemed to notice, so you pulled out your phone and began scrolling through your twitter feed. After going through about 300 cute couple selfies of Ash and Zoe, you saw a video of jesus scaring people, and some weird ass band tweets. I am so done with these guys. You thought, smiling a little.

"SOMEONE HELP ME! I AM BEING ATTACKED BY A MAN WITH A PLASTIC CUP!" "CC shut up and die quietly!" "NO I REFUSE!" "God damn it!" You looked over at the three idiotic grown men and raised an eyebrow, before looking over at Jake, who was asleep on the floor, and Ash and Zoe were still cuddling, and were both asleep. Why am i friends with you guys? None of them could hear you though, cause three of them were asleep, and three of them were killing each other.

Tour Life With BVBWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt