3: mind reader

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Their practice was now over and we were free to go home
But I stayed sitting on the bench
Staring intently at the ice
God I wish it was like the old days
When something like that happens it make you appreciate what you have or had

Someone sat down next to me
I looked over
It was yuzuru
"Why are you still here" He asked me
I looked back at the ice
"I could ask you the same thing"
I kept a straight face
He frowned and stood up
"Come on its getting late"
I stood up

I looked down at my bag before grabbing it
Maybe one day

Me and yuzuru walked out of the building
I didn't dare say a word
Like it said before I'm a brick wall
I looked over at yuzuru
He looks stressed probably because of the upcoming championships

"Don't worry you'll do fine"
He looked at me with wide eyes
"H-how did you know"
I looked away
"The quiet ones notices everything"
I re-said what my grandmother used to say

He chuckled
Why is he laughing boy He is weird
"Your such a child" I looked at him
He poked my head
"And your such a grandma"
I rolled my eyes as we made it to the subway station
We both got into the slightly packed train

Yuzuru looked at my hands
"Why do you wear gloves"
I looked at him directly in the eye with a straight face
"Because it is cold"
Well duh
"Are you learning to become a doctor?"
"Do you want to become a doctor"
"What about a nurse"
"A vet?"
God him and his annoying questions

He sighed
"Come on I'm just trying to get to know you"
It was my stop
"Well you'll have to try harder then that"
I turned and walked away
Little did I know that he will try harder

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