6: faking

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I called in sick the next day
Half because I was actually sick
And half because I didn't feel like facing yuzuru

*yuzuru's pov*
At the club

I looked around
Where is Kirsten
God I hope she isn't mad at me
What she said yesterday
It felt like a little bit of me broke
God dang it
If only I didn't yell at her
I'm such a idiot

I walked over to javi and nam
"Hey do you guys know where Kirsten is"
Nam shook his head
"No sorry"
I looked at javier
"Sorry mate....you were a bit to spicy yesterday she probably doesn't want to see you"
He shrugged
Well that makes me feel a lot better

Wait maybe Jun-hwan knows
They seem to be close
I walked over to Jun-hwan
He frowned at me
"She called in sick"
Wait what she's sick
Probably because of the rain
I was about to ask him something else but he walked away before I could

I sighed and walked into the rink
Why did I let the pressure get to me
If only I didn't stress myself out
This wouldn't have happened

A voice in the back of my head started talking
Maybe she's mad at you
She doesn't want to see you
You made here sad
Don't worry she doesn't feel anything
The last one
Why doesn't she show her emotions
It's a little weird

I shrugged and put my skates on
I can't help but feel bad
You know what I'll ask jun-hwan later during a practice or something

I glided on the ice and did my laps
Once I finished I went over to my water bottle and gulped it down
God why do I have asthma
I shook my head and let my lungs steady

I looked around I saw nam and jun talking
I wonder what their talking about
I skated by them but kept my distance
I pretended to work on my spins

"So jun why is Kirsten emotionless"
Nam said
Jun shrugged
"It's private information"
Nam pouted
"I want to know because I feel like I've seen her before"
Jun raised an eyebrow
"Well duh you met her not to long ago"
Nam rolled his eyes
"I don't ugghhh Never mind"
He threw up his arms and gave up

That kid is smart
I shook my head and skated around
The rink
What should I do?
I should go apologize
Ya I should
Maybe she'll be here to tomorrow
If she is I'll do it then

I went to do a triple Lutz but collided with the ice instead
I groaned
Why can't I do it right
Well I'll just have to keep doing it

I stood back up and kept doing different jumps
Every time I landed onto the ice

"Yuzuru go take a break"
Mr.orser said
I groaned and collapsed onto the bench
Javi looked at me frowning

I sighed and looked at jun-hwan
He was looking at me
Ugh whatever

Finally training was over and it was time to go home
Hopefully Kirsten will be here tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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