5: chill

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I walked through the doors of the club
and made my way to the ice rink
I was early today
So there's not going to be anyone here yet

To my surprise there was
He was here
Really early to
And he did not look happy
He kept falling on his jumps
And his footwork is sloppy
He is stressed I can tell

I walked in and set my stuff down
I walked over to the edge of the rink
Watching yuzuru carefully
As he under rotated he guadruple salchow

He stood back up
and turned around looking at me
He gave me a cold glare
For what reason I'll never know
I skated over to me
Keeping the glare
While I kept my straight face on

"What are you doing here?!?"
He yelled at me but I just looked at him with blank eyes
"Coming to work early"
I spoke with no emotion
He grumbled and skated away
He fell on the guadruple salchow again

"Your under rotating it and your arms aren't right"
I yelled from across the rink
"Don't tell me what to do!"
I looked at him for a second then walked away

I saw Mr.orser
"Hey Mr.orser make yuzuru take a day off"
He raised an eyebrow
Before he could ask I answered
"He's here and stressed out plus it is effecting his mood"
He nodded
"Thank you for telling me"
I nodded and sat on a chair

Jun-hwan came in and I greeted him
Then javi and nam they only get a hi
Nothing else
Yuzuru came stomping through the hallway
He looked fumed

He saw me and walked over to me
"What the hell?!?"
He got in my face
Hard core glaring at me
But I kept a straight face
Nam and javier came over and grabbed him
"Yo chill" Nam said
"Stop acting so spicy" Javi said
Yuzuru looked at the other three
"She told brian to give me a break"
He pointed at me
"go relax get your mind off things cause clearly your stressing out and you are taking it out on Everyone else" Jun-hwan said
Remind me to thank these three later
Yuzuru gave up and walked out of the building

Everyone look at me
"Jun-hwan was on the money, that's why I told brian I don't want yuzuru to stress because 1 it's bad for his health, 2 if he goes into competition like that he will do bad and 3 we don't need that negativity"
They all agreed with me

My sift is now over
I walked out of the building
Hopefully yuzuru has gotten his mind off of things
I sighed and kicked a rock
The sky was covered in dark grey clouds and it could rain any minute
But I didn't care

I walked on the sidewalk
There were no cars out
No people
No animals of any sort
I was alone like usual
Seems like when I go somewhere everything is scared of me
And earlier today
I probably deserved to be yelled at

I felt something hit my head
I looked up at the sky
It has started to rain
I don't care though

I kept walking
The raindrops hitting against my body
I thought of my grandmother
She used to tell me about the rain
She would tell me not to go out or else I would get sick

I sat down on a bench
It's still raining
Yet again Not like I care

I sighed
Your probably wondering a few things about me
Like why do I keep talking about my
Well I can't tell you yet but I will at some point in time

I heard foot steps
I didn't dare to look up
Hopefully it's someone who would take me from this miserable life
I stared blankly at the ground

"Hey Kirsten...what are you doing out here"
I shrugged still looking at the ground
"Are you Alright?"
I nodded
"Hey I'm sorry about earlier I was just-"
I cut him off
"Ya I get it...I'm just some creep who you want to go away I'm sorry for bothering you"

I stood up and ran off
With my bag in hand
He tried to catch up to me but he couldn't

I ran through the door of my house and locked the door behind me
I quickly went up to my room
I threw my bag across the room
And jumped onto my bed

Well that was some day

My Shining StarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ