Chapter - 1

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The alarm clock whirred to life and she woke up with a start, with a wild look in her eyes she grabbed the clock and stared at it "Its 8 o'clock! I'm going to be late!" She jumped out of the bed but something didn't feel right.

She stopped in her tracks and looked around, she wasn't in her house anymore.

Realization hit her like a truck "It wasn't a dream. My nightmare has come true."

It was all too much for her. She fell back on the bed, as a million thoughts swirled in her mind all at once.

She tried to justify it but it all seemed rather ridiculous that she would be punished for something like that, the more she thought about it the more ludicrous it seemed to her. No one would have to pay such a high price for something so insignificant.

"That's it" she exclaimed, it was her Eureka moment "It's all a big joke! They are pranking me!" she began to laugh like a lunatic and ran out of the room for the front door.

She blinked several times in the blinding sunlight and for a moment she thought she was standing in the Garden but she quickly saw how different this place was. The place was indeed very beautiful with rolling green hills, some covered in heather, the sun blessing the place with the most beautiful and warm sunshine and a gentle breeze carrying the perfume of a thousand flowers but for anyone who had witnessed the beauty of the Garden nothing else could ever come close. She tried to remember the sweet scent that came from the flowers and the water channels with water clearer than the most beautiful crystals but she had a hard time doing that. She quickly put it out of her mind and sprinted down the path.

Looking up at the sky she screamed at the top of her lungs "Hahaha nice one guys, you almost got me! But joke's over now."

"Come on! The game is up. Come on..... Come on now, time to end this." She screamed becoming  more and more impatient by the minute.

When all that screaming got her nowhere, the tears began brimming in her eyes.

"GUYS! It's not funny anymore. STOP IT AND GET ME OUT!"

"Please stop I am beg..." she whispered miserably. She was on her knees now, begging to her invisible tormentor. Tears flowing out in torrents from her eyes.

That was it, that moment was the last straw, she hadn't begged in the face of certain death and she decided she isn't going start now.

"Well," she said trembling with anger "If you are not going to get me out, then I am going to make you." In a dangerously sweet voice she said "Love this stupid prison of yours don't you? Probably spent a long time building it. Well if you don't let me out this instant! What follows will be your own fault." She grabbed a branch of the nearest tree to yank it out from its root but it wouldn't budge. She tried with all her might to snap the trunk using the same branch and fell back onto the ground. Frustrated, she tried to push the tree but ended up scraping her hands on the bark. She tried to pick up a nearby log but failed in that pursuit as well.


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