Chapter- 10

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“come now darling….” he cooed.

“Child you don’t know what you are talking about, Julien Spencer saved your life we all saw it. Plus he was a model citizen, always helping others and he was so good with kids. Julien was a hero!” said the huge woman.

“ one can save you” he lunged.
Ciera screamed at the top of her lungs as the giant figure of Spencer came towards him.
“what?! What happened? Ciera? Ciera!   Honey are you okay!?!” enquired Mr. Wood as he ran to her daughter’s room.
“Ciera, honey? Talk to me darling” Mr. Wood said soothingly to the frightened child. She backed away from him in fear. There was absolutely no sign of recognition in her eyes, just fear.


Ciera had been found seven days after her disappearance in the distant town of Cambury. According to the town’s folk Jullian ‘the hero’ Spencer, tragically died trying to save the little girl from a moving truck.

When Ciera was finally reunited with her parents she wasn’t the same girl that had got lost in the forest.

After talking and numerous rounds with therapists they found that the hero who saved her was the devil.
She had been kidnapped by him and he had raped her, beaten her and tormented her for days. She got out the second the saw an unlocked door.

After days of nightmares Ciera became afraid of even her own shadow. The father she had once loved the most, was now someone she had become deathly afraid of. She was afraid of everything. If her parents tried to hug her she would flinch away as if someone had stuck her.

That man broke her, she was never the same girl again.

And so after two months of agony both for her parents and her. Ciera was shifted to St. Augustine mental institute and she had been there ever since.

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