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The young woman froze, chills running up and down her spine as she searched through the darkness. There was no one there, and she felt silly for this was the third time it had happened that night. She shook her head, scolding herself for being so paranoid. Yet, that didn't seem to halt her feeling of unease, of knowing that someone, or something was following her. Through the darkly lit campus, a small set of fog began rolling in from the nearby Forrest, and she felt her breath hitch, images of horror movies running through her head. It took a moment to steadily calm herself before she began her way across campus and to her dorm once again.

The feeling hung over her like a heavy blanket, and the girl found it harder to concentrate in the cold air. Glancing around, she noticed the fog getting thicker, and rolling in more quickly by the second. It was unusual, the pace at which it was coming in, and the girl had to stop herself from pausing and staring for too long. She carried on her way, urging herself to walk quicker in the hopes that she would shake off that eerie feeling.

The closer she got to her dorm building, the more relief she began to feel and she hurried the best she could. She was only a few yards away before something blurred right before her. She jumped, letting out a nervous squeak and frantically searching the darkness for whatever it was that startled her, but she found nothing. Her nerves were getting the best of her, and she shook her head finding a logical reason that whatever it was that scared her was probably a small animal. An owl or bird perhaps. Still, finding herself rather frightened, and her feeling of unease growing by the second, she no longer felt the need to simply walk to her dorm, so she began to run. The faster she got to her dorm, the faster she'd be away from whatever it was that was scaring her.

For the second time though, a figure blurred fastly near her again, and she knew it was no furry Forrest dweller. This time, the figure had a human shape and she knew in the pit of her stomach that she was in danger. Fog clouded around her and suddenly it was as if she didn't know where to go and her dorm seemed farther away, clouded with fog. She immediately became confused believing only seconds ago she seemed so close to the building, and now she was nowhere near it.

She turned around, noticing the fog was consuming her, wrapping her around in a dark haze. As she tried to find her way through, she found it almost useless as she could no longer see whatever was in front of her. She soon stopped once she felt something of an icy cold breath down her neck and she shivered before turning around, and she caught sight of a man not much older than her nineteen years. She felt her throat tighten as she noticed his black, eyes that seemed to have no pupils whatsoever.

The young man was beautiful, no denying it, but the girl knew better. His beauty was dark and tainted, otherworldly. He wasn't even human. She soon snapped out of her trance and saw his perfect lips pull into a deadly smirk. The girl noticed, where regular canines should have been, were sharp, prominent fangs. Realization dawned on her, and the girl shook her head in disbelief.

Backing up, he stepped closer and she stumbled back, him chuckling darkly. Before she could even scream, the vampire caught hold of her waist and pulled her into him with blinding speed. Without hesitation, he leaned down to her neck and tore at her throat. Only then did the girl scream in terror.

Blood fused through the vampire's mouth as he eagerly drunk in the girl before him. She struggled, tears streaming down her face as he ignored her constant pleas. Whenever he bit down harder, her screams were more violent and he loved the feel of inflicting pain on his prey. He smiled sickly as he continued to drink her sticky, sweet blood. After what seemed hours, the girl's screams began to die down until the only sounds she made were hoarse whimpers. Her fighting had stopped and she limply lost all of her strength. Her breathing slowed and came out in staggered gasps, and at last he pulled away, licking the remaining blood off her neck.

He glanced down at the unconscious, nearly dead girl in his arms and felt no pity, but a sense of interest. With a shrug, he bit down on his wrist and brought it to the girl's lips. The blood ran down her throat, and he smiled as she swallowed it without thinking. Her transformation was just about to begin.

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