First Time

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She never expected she would have a girlfriend. A girlfriend to go on late night adventures with. A girlfriend to hold hands with on their way to class. A girlfriend to kiss-like they're kissing right now.

Amongst the crumpled white sheets and tangled limbs they lied together sharing soft slow kisses. Hands laying on hips, brushing against exposed skin, curling into the others hair. Sharing the same breath, plush lips moving languid and oh so perfect. Is this what heaven felt like?

Alone in her room on her messy bed, the last filtered streams of sunlight drifting through her window where faded oranges and pinks reflected on the white walls and the sky outside slipped slowly into shades of purple. Shades of purple like the growing bruises on the delicate skin of her neck and collarbones. She didn't mind though, they'd heal fairly quickly leaving more to be marked over and over again.

She sighed as her lovers teeth tugged a little harshly at her bottom lip and just from catching a whiff of the girl that straddled above her, the arousal had spiked. Lazy sweet kisses turned quicker, needier, and hotter. She felt her lovers hands tighten on her waist, grinding down on their clothed regions letting a soft moan escape her lips. She ran her fingers through her lovers hair watching as she smirked when she gave a slight tug and brought their lips together again in a heated open mouthed kiss.

She could get drunk from how her lips tasted alone, like a fine wine with a hint of something spicy. The more their lips connected and tongues swirled together the more she felt her heart sing in ecstasy. She could go on like this forever, lips entangled in a wet passionate mess, hands grasping and clutching bodies...

Her scent filled her nose and she couldn't get enough, breathing her in, touching her, tasting her. It was all becoming one heady mess, panting, grinding, soft sighs and whimpers filling the room and it was just another make-out session but this was more. And she wanted more. With another grind, she let out a groan, detaching her lips from her lover and kissing the corner of her lips, down her jaw, and to her neck near the pulse where the sound was driving her absolutely mad. The blood rushing through her veins was like a sweet running river on a hot summer day and she who was a lost Traveler was parched.

Her gums throbbed and she felt her incisors elongate, now dripping with that delicious venom. She opened her mouth, ready to bite...

"Wait," she gasped pulling away from her partners delicious neck.

"What is it?" The girl hovering above her asked, hair dangling before her face.

A gulp filled the silence as the one below hesitated before speaking again.

"It's my first time," she uttered nibbling the bottom of her kiss swollen lips.

The girl above smiled one of those smiles. A smile that hid a playfulness and dark allure.

"I trust you."

Their eyes searched each other, and with an encouraging nod from above the other leaned forward more slowly this time.

Brushing hair from aside her neck she trailed slow open mouthed kisses right to the sweetest spot. A sigh coming from the other, hands gripping her waist just a bit tighter, lower bodies pressing together. Once again her gums throbbed, venom beginning to drip from her incisors.

Reaching with just that little bit of remaining space, her nose brushed against the gentle thrum of her pulse. She left one remaining kiss, licking the warm delicate skin, a shudder from the other pressing herself further to her.

With that she finally let herself sink her teeth into her delicious flesh.

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