Starbucks Break

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The small bell above the Starbucks entrance dinged as two haggard looking teens noisily walked in arguing in a not so quiet manner. The calm atmosphere of the coffee shop disappeared for a moment as a few customers gazed up at the two to see what the commotion was about before going back to their usual conversations and work. The taller one of the two spoke first, leaning down to the shorter one's level, her red hair in a frizzed and tangled state.

"Obviously we're not in the best place to argue so if you could just chill, that'd be great."

The redhead scoffed, still frazzled up and hissed "I'm not the one arguing here when it's you who's been attracting all forms of crazy lately."

The boy shrugged nonchalantly before fixing his black button up which had been pulled half out from his jeans and dusted a bit of dirt from the shoulders. He seemed more concerned that the new (and expensive) clothes he just bought were ruined so soon, than his friend beside him who was more shaken up. The two managed to make their way to the cashier without any sarcastic remarks and make their order.

The Cashier whose nametag read Shailene stood upright with a bright smile, welcoming her customers with her daily mantra "Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?"

Having already known what he wanted to order, the boy spoke first.

"Yeah, I'll get a grande vanilla bean frap." The cashier nodded, entering his order into the register and grabbing a clear grande cup to scribble the order down.

"That'll be for..?" She paused waiting for her customer to give his name.

"Arron," He replied before nudging the girl beside him who was still staring up at the menu. The cashier waited patiently, her hand hovering over a stack of new cups, a sharpie in her other hand. The girl blinked, shaking her head mumbling something about whether to get a latte or frap.

"Umm," She bit her lip, going over the menu another time before deciding "I'll have a tall Caramel frap please, for Kelsie."

The cashier nodded, entering the order with her free hand, grabbing a tall cup and scribbling down her name before setting it down alongside Arron's for the other workers to make. Arron dug his wallet from his jeans and paid for the two while Kelsie moved aside to wait and be called.

Arron strolled over beside Kelsie, who still seemed to be rather shaken up from earlier. He rolled his eyes, knowing fully well Kelsie would be fine as soon as she got her treat and won't care what happened twenty minutes before.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," Kelsie mumbled.

"Jump on him like that. I would've been fine if you didn't come along."

Arron felt the need to roll his eyes, but didn't. He knew all too well how much Kelsie tried to take things into her own hands. Still, what Kelsie said irritated him, and he felt he had done the girl a favor. Who knows what trouble she could've gotten into had he not shown up?

"I think you're forgetting Kels, I practically saved your life. A thank you would be very nice instead of blaming me for what happened. Remember, you had a part in this too." Arron reminded her.

"I still don't know how you-"

"We," Arron interrupted. Kelsie shoved Arron.

"I still don't know how we managed to do that and," she shuddered, "and all that, blood and stuff" she whispered.

Arron chuckled, patting her back. Their names were called and Arron went to get their drinks. He handed Kelsie hers and they made their way out into the parking lot. Kelsie pouted, And Arron noticed this, shaking his head.

"Seven billion people in the world, and you're overreacting because we killed one man"

"But-" Kelsie began and was immediately silenced by a "shh" from Arron.

"Seven. Billion. People. Now stop complaining, and drink your caramel frap."


Hey. It's been a while. I don't know what to put as my excuse except that I've been busy (kinda going through it ngl). I'll try to update more frequently though lol


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