The Interview

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A/N: Hey there! Please keep in mind that all of these are short stories and have no continuation. Every chapter is a new story.

I have to say, I've never really met a vampire before. I mean sure, they're everywhere now, just out in the open living normal lives like the rest of us, but I have never seen one in the flesh. Not until the moment I walked into the school library on a Wednesday afternoon, and there he was.

Ever since vampires came out the coffin about two years ago, one would wonder how I have yet to fully meet or at least come across one on the street until now. Here's the problem: I live in a small town, so just forget every cliche of mythical (or not so, in this case) creatures hiding out in small towns because obviously, that is irrelevant. As best friend of our school's newspaper editor, I had to do a small favor and go into an interview with our schools latest piece of interest since apparently, everyone else was too afraid for the job. She said it would be cool, that I'll be fine, well at this moment I beg to differ.

I shift uncomfortably as vampire guy gives me a deeply penetrating stare. I immediately wonder if that's something all vampires do or if its just me because I have the communication and social technique of a squirrel. Like I said, I was the only one available for the job and I am fastly beginning to regret it. Tapping my pen on my notebook, I stare blankly at the questions I manged to come up with in the five minutes I had before I was sent here.

1. What's your name?

2. How do you like it here?

3. What are your favorite classes so far?

4. Have you made any new friends?

5. Do you think the meat used for Thursday's meatloaf is a health code violation?

Seems pretty legit, right? I clear my throat and straighten my shoulders, hopefully to seem more professional. Like I interview vampires all the time. Ha, no.

"Hi, I'm Lydia. I'll be interviewing you for the school paper." Vampire guy nods. It's only now that I notice despite his glaring, vampire guy is actually pretty hot. Ok, very hot.

His dark brown-almost black hair frames his face in a sexy tousled way and his hazel eyes are to die for. He's tan, and unlike most myths, vampires have normal (or flawless) skin. Vampire guys arms are crossed, exposing some nice muscle and a swirl of dark ink catches my eye peeking out underneath the sleeve of his black v-neck. Oh lord, how will I last now?

As I try to not imagine perverted things about him, I begin with the first question.

"So, what's your name?"

"Kieran," he says, straightening a bit more in his chair.

Well, I think, that's not really a name you'd most likely hear nowadays but what do I know? I've never met a Kieran before...

I smile, "nice to meet you Kieran. Great to have you here. Are you enjoying school?"

Ew, why did I say that? Enjoying school? I sound like my mom.

"What kind of question is that?" He asks, a hint Or irritability on his tongue. Great. Even vampire gu-Kieran agrees with me. I bite my lip and tap my pen twice.

"I don't know, I was just trying to strike up a nice conversation."

Kieran purses his lips and figets his hands.

"You sound like you were forced into this."

"I wasn't, really," I mutter. "Um, you see what happened was, there weren't many people that were able to do the job and-"

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