LÖDED 3! What Are The Plans

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God, it's so peaceful. Nobody seems to be up. Well, it sounds like nobody is up. Man, I want pancakes. Or well, something like a bagel.

God, toast sounds nice right now. Did I brush my teeth? Hm, it was only a day, so I'm good. Why is the couch so cold? And hard like concrete.

A loud drum beating made you jolt sitting up, screaming in surprise.


Rodrick yelled, slamming drum sticks hard against the drum set. Looking around quickly, it looked like you were in a garage or basement. He then stopped playing, pointing at you with one of the sticks.

"Welcome to my world."

He said, making a face.

"Now, you're gonna help me get Heather."

"So desperate, wow."

"I'm not THAT desperate."

"I guess. Make it seem like you HAVE to get a girlfriend."

"Might I add that if I get a girlfriend, my band mates are also gonna hand me some cash from the bet?"

"Using her for the bet?"

"Not just that, I love her as I told you. And with the money, I could maybe take her out on a nice date."

"How much did they bet?"

"I'd say like 60."

"I get half, get your stuff, we're going in."

You said, heading to your house to shower and all that. Rodrick fist pumped.

"Heather Hills, here I come."




"Alright, what are the plans?"

"What were we doing?"

You asked, slurping on a slushie. Rodrick sighed, throwing the slushie you held.

"My slushie-"

"Operation, get HH to RH."


"Get Heather Hills to Rodrick Heffley."

"Whatever, let's see. I do know Heather will be at the mall with her friends today."

Rodrick nodded, driving over to the mall quickly. Clawing on the door, the van then stopped.

"We're here."

Your eyes spotted a certain blonde girl, walking with a friend. That's definitely Heather.

"Found her."

You said, shaking Rodrick for him to focus on the girl as well. Rodrick looked to where you were looking, a smirk slowly appearing on his face.

"Looking beautiful as ever."

"You can gawk at her later."

You rolled you eyes, face palming. Quickly heading to stay close to Heather, an object got in your way, tripping and falling in front of her since you tried sneaking ahead of her. Rodrick snorted, but stayed hiding behind a plant.

"(M/n)?! Why are you here?"

Looking up at her, slowly standing and fixing your jacket, an awkward chuckle escaped your lips. She gave you a look, waiting for an answer.

"Obviously getting some games. You know, there's a game place here."

"Whatever. Since you're here, I need your feedback on some clothes I'll be trying on."

D.O.A.W.K: LÖDED DAYZ (Rodrick x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now