Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"That's all." I said to the front of my colleagues indicating that I'm done with my report. A few seconds had passed, nothing but the sound of applause can be heard in the four corners of the room.

After Professor Lerman dismissed his class, everyone fixed their things then they quickly scampered out of the room for their snacks.

Professor Lerman approached me in my seat with a big smile etched on his face. "Good job, Ms. Sandoval! Keep up the good work!" he said then he gently patted my shoulders before leaving the classroom.

I couldn't help but to chuckle.

I'm always being complimented by my professors throughout my grade school, middle school, and high school life. I've been satisfying them by giving them good requirements they need. Since then, I'm known as a genius. They said I'm easy to deal with especially if it's all about grades because the truth is, I'm girl who's grade-conscious.

I fixed my things before leaving the classroom to proceed to my next subject.

It has been two months since the class has started. I'm in my last semester taking up Medicine in Merrill-Hampshire University and I cannot wait to be a licensed surgeon! Mind you, even I'm one of the seniors now, they're still treating me as a freshmen! They're are commanding us like we were servants even if they're the one who was assigned to do their task! I think they're enjoying the sight of us cleaning the whole ground in the first day of school!

"There you are!" I took a peek on my shoulders to see if who called me.

I stopped on my track and turned around to face him. "Hey, Kendrick." I gave him a sweet smile.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started walking to the cafeteria. "I heard you already pleased your professors by passing them good requirements, yeah?" he said while smiling.

"Yup. How did you know?" I asked him. It's just a few minutes ago since that happened. How did he knew about it?

"Well, you know, rumors are like fire. Spreading across the campus," he said while gesturing his hands on the air on how the fire spreads.

I giggled at his actions. "Stop it. You look stupid." I said. He just shrugged and continued to walk.

Since I was a kid, I have already dreamed of becoming a doctor. I want to become a person that can be claimed as a hero by saving countless of lives. Thinking about those are making me more inspired of my class. That is why even if I'm too young to learn about becoming a successful doctor, I coaxed my aunt ㅡKara Sandoval, who is known as the greatest surgeon across the country to teach me on how to be one. I am enjoying the fact that medicine is awesome. Sure, it's really hard to comply all the requirements at the same time, gotta stay up late at night because of your thesis and proposals, and read a dozen of books that is thick as a rock but when you're already at the peak and realized that all the hardships you've done is the reason why you're on the verge of success? It's worth it.

When I'm in my last semester in my course, I think I can die peacefully now knowing that I can achieve my dream. Kidding~

"You should treat me lunch, Kendrick. I got a flat one in Trigonometry." I said while pouting.

He whined then he stomped his foot a couple of times. "My allowance is already cutted by ten percent while you increased twenty! You should be the one to treat me." I laughed at him because of his sudden action.

I also wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "You know, go to my room later. I'll be your professor every night." then I patted his shoulder lightly.

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