chapter 2

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(I was correct I'm doing a time skips I hate to do this but we all know I'm a terrible writer so ON WITH THE BOOK!)

It was 9 pm and I was sitting on the couch with Austin he had just moved in 3 days ago but he didn't have much stuff so most of boxes were unpacked. I still had no clue what he meant by I talk in my sleep! What had he heard? Was he keeping the fact that he knows to his self to keep our friendship together? No I was over reacting I just needed to calm down.

"Are you okay you look stressed?"
"Well you know work and stuff it's kinda busy," I said trying to cover I forgot that he had a sixth sense for that kind of stuff.
" Well tomorrow is Sunday you don't have work and you know we can go to our spot?" He offered
"Well," I said with a smile," Okay."
"I'll grab blankets and if you want to drive this time you can," I glanced at the keys while saying this.

I grabbed the blankets and a box of snacks and we headed out. I had forgot how much I loved the way Austin drives it was just smooth and he obviously knows the road better than I ever will.

When we arrived he shut off the car and leaned the seat back. I also leaned my seat back.

"You um said that I talked in my sleep," I just really needed to know what he heard.

"You don't want to know what I heard tiff," he said in a soft tone closing his eyes.

"Yeah that's the think I do," I replied leaning up.

"What did you do at work today?" He asked ignoring me.

"You know the usual, trying not to get fired, now please tell me?" I begged.

"You are kinda cute when you beg,"

"Not funny Austin!" I said leaning back again crossing my arms.

"So tell me who is your crush?" Austin asked.

"I can't tell you,"

"And why is that?" He questions.

"I don't want the guy to know," I said making it totally obvious.

"See we are making progress now we know its a guy,"

I slapped his arm and we laughed he changed the subject to what he did a work, and then about other things that he loved to ramble on about.

I loved listening to him. I began to wonder about what would happen if I told him? Would we move on with our lives staying friends or would he not want to live with me anymore? I was thinking to much I needed to relax.

"Remember when we first met in grade school?" Austin asked me.

"Yeah I spilt grape soda all over your favorite jacket! You couldn't get the stains out you wore it anyways." I replied with a giggle.

"Do you want to come over here?" Austin asked

"It's not cold?" I questioned

"I know," Austin replied

I moved over to his seat surprised at his answer. He rapped his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder leaning his head on my neck I put my hand over his hand. We slept like that. I was so confused but comfortable and happy like that I want to stay like that but morning came and I slid back over to my seat. We drove back to the apartment in silence. 

"So um are we going to talk about last night?" I asked looking down a little.

"No," Austin replied and sat on the couch.

"What?" I was confused.

"Want something to drink?" Austin asked

I was starting to get mad but I knew Austin he would let the walls go crashing down then from there a 30 minute conversation.

"Tea, please," I replied.

"Look I don't want to ruin our friendship okay can we just drop it," Austin said rather quickly


He shook his head grabbed his keys and head out the door. I needed to let him know that I loved him but I could see he wasn't ready.

He came back that night drunker than hell.

"YOU DIDNT DRIVE DID YOU!?" I yelled at him harshy.

"No of course not! But then again I couldn't find my car either," he replied ploping down on the couch.

"Why didn't you call?" I asked

"Couldn't find my  phone,"

I didn't want to start a argument or make him to upset he needed a friend I needed to tell him how I felt even though he wouldn't remember it in the morning. I sat down next to him. I was about to start talking when he took me into a hug.

"Don't say anything let me speak  first,"

Despite his loss of property I didn't smell a strong smell of  liqueur on his breath just his strong almost wood and berry scented cologne.

"I love you so much I'm hopeful that you do to," he said softly

"Tell me when you're not drunk,"

I got up and went to bed. When I woke up in the morning I smelled food I glanced at the clock its was 10am. I got up and went to the kitchen.

"How are you not hung-over?" I asked Austin surprised

"Notice the Advil on the counter and it wasn't a bad one anyways," he replied.

"Want to go out to eat tonight?" He asked

"Or get some food and go to the spot," he offered another option

"Yeah that sounds great," I replied

I'm going to stop I here I can't wait for my next chapter....

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