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Me and Austin were laying in bed talking about our parents.

"Gosh I remember one time my dad kept trying to set me up with his friends sons because he thought I was gay," Austin explained letting out a small laugh.

"You think that's bad? My mom is a psychologist who doesn't believe in birthday party's," I told Austin.

"Is that why I never got invited to any party's I always just assumed you had them but no boys aloud," Austin luaghed some more.

"Enough about our parents," I exclaimed having enough of this topic.

"Okay," Austin smiled at me.

Austins pov, also *~* triggered squiggly.

Smut warning (hehe~)

I couldn't help but to notice the way her eyes lit up when she saw me smile. I kissed her gently wanting to pick up were we left off. We slowly started to make out I climbed on top of her my hands clasped on her sides and slowly sliding down. She lifted my shirt over my head. Biting her lip slightly. I lifted her shirt over her head and threw it somewhere. I left her bra on her because she looked self conscious even though she was beautiful.

I'm not writing the rest BC a sad person writing smut listening to screamo would be a new low for me so for now triggered squiggly time skip. Oh but it gets good if you like drama!


I was sitting in a café with tiff the next morning getting coffee. She was talking I was daydreaming about the first time we meet in 4th grade.

^~^~^~^~^~^~^ non triggered squiggly ~

"Hey! Are you looking on my paper!" I whispered to Tiffany trying not to get caught by the teacher.

"Number 4,7,13, and 15-18 are wrong so I would hope not!" She giggled.

I blushed at my embarrassment. She sat by me at lunch and we had been friends ever since.

"Earth to Austin!" Tiffany had waved her hand in front of my face.

I saw Jamie standing by her we were friends in highschool but he went to a college in California.

"Jamie!" I exclaimed.

"Wait what are you doing here?" I asked.

"College was not my 'thing'," Jamie said shrugging.

"How did you know where to find us?" I asked confused.

"That would be my doing, I thought it would be a nice surprise," Tiffany took a sip of her coffee looking all cute and innocent.

"He doesn't have anywhere to say so I thought he could stay in your room since you know," Tiffany said.

I nodded.

"You know what?" Jamie asked

"You didn't tell him we are dating?" I asked I figured that would be the first topic.

"You know how he rambles on forever," Tiffany luaghed and punched Jamie's arm.

"Oh wow I'm so happy for you guys!" He exclaimed.

I drove back to the apartment with Jamie and Tiffany. We were carrying on a conversation when Jamie asked for a aux cord so he could hook his phone up to play music. I started looking around. I found one in the middle console and handed it back to him when suddenly I loud honk I looked back at the road when a car hit the side of mine.

"AUSTIN!" was the last thing I  heard then everything went black

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•suprised squiggly.

Beep... beep ...beep... beep ...beep...

I awoke in a hospital bed Tiffany sitting in a chair next to be a scar down her cheek but other than that she looked fine. Jamie was there to in a cast. The both looked at me. I saw a button next to me.

"Please tell me this is medications," I said picking it up.

"Hey glad to see nothing can hurt your sense of humor," Jamie said, I really wasn't joking but I luaghed a little.

"I'm sorry I bet that really wasn't the way you wanted to spend your first day back, in a hospital because of my reckless driving," I said looking away I head Tiffany say she was going to get the nurse.

I fell back asleep listening to Jamie say it wasn't my fault and yatta yatta.

BTW that was not the drama I'm talking real drama coming. BTW (again) I have writers block so what better than a car crash to give me ideas and I hope you know that this book will probably no longer be all happy and stuff. Bye .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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