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K I T & J A X T E X T S:

Jax: Guess what? We talked on the phone yesterday at ten pm

Kit: Aw good for you Jax I'm so happy for you!!!

Jax: It was a dream come true

Kit: So what now

Jax: What do you mean???

Kit: Well she likes you right?

Jax: I think so

Kit: Well you like her so...

Jax: what?? So far it's just been online. I don't know what to do. I mean I still haven't met her

Kit: well have you talked about it?

Jax: no. I'm too shy

Kit: You can do it Jax.

Jax: What should I say?

Kit: Mention it to her. Tell her, "so you said you liked me?" Ask her about it. Maybe she's shy too.

Jax: okay thanks kit :)

B I A N C A  &  J A X  T E X T S:

Jax: Hey Bianca, I realized we hadn't addressed this much but you like me? As in like?

Bianca: Oh hey Jax. Yeah I guess we forget to mention that yesterday when we were on the phone...

Bianca: But yeah... I think I do have a crush on you

Jax: And of course you know how I feel :)

Bianca: yup...

Jax: so.....

Bianca: yeah...

Jax: what do people do when they "meet" someone online?

Bianca: I don't know this is all new to me.

Jax: same everything is new to me.

Bianca: I wish I could meet you in person then it could be easier.

Jax: You really want to meet me?

Bianca: Of course Jax!

Jax: I want to meet you too.

Bianca: :)

The King, The Fool (jianca social media au) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now