Chapter 1

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Taylor POV
It was a rainy day when I arrived back in California from New York. My grandparents were on vacation for the whole summer and had left me to house sit while they were gone.

I ended up catching a cab home since I knew no one here. I take that back. I had my cousins who lived about 3 hours north of here and then Beau was here.

But I doubted he wanted to see me after how I let it end last summer.
Not much had changed. Everything seemed the same through the rain. When it stopped, I would ride my bike around and check it out.

I arrived at my grandparents house and quickly got my luggage before running to the front door.

Strange, the garage door was open and the lights were on in the house. I stop digging for my key and check to see if the door is opened.

It is.

Oh god. They're getting robbed and I'm gonna die.
I just know it.

"You're going down Carl."
"In your dreams loser."
I knew those voices.
I push the door open and pull my stuff inside.
"Surprise!" Carly yells. "Grandma didn't tell you but she invited us to spend the summer here with you so you weren't alone! Hope you don't mind."
"Not at all. I'm actually glad. I didn't know how I would survive actually." Okay so that's a lie. I figured I'd run in the morning, tan all day while reading and then watch movies before bedtime. Perfect summer.
"Are you sure? Cause we can totally leave if you want."

"We're not leaving." Noah yells.

Carly rolls her eyes. "He found an attractive girl here and is trying to get with her."

"I heard that."

"You must be exhausted. I'll show you to the room we left. In my opinion, its my favorite and we can totally trade if you don't like it." Carly says, grabbing my suitcase.

I remember why Carly and I hit it off really well. She talks a lot and so did I.

"So how's Juilliard? There not pushing you too hard or anything?" She asks. "Cause I thought maybe you and I could take some dance classes this summer... At the studio you took yours last year. I adore that teacher. I really do."
Did I say a lot? I meant she never shuts up.
"Um we can if you want. I wasn't planning on it but if you want to, I will. No big deal."
"Yay, thanks! This summer will be so much fun!!" She says, excitedly.
I agree, a bad feeling setting into my gut. This summer was bad news. I could just feel it.


"Kingsley. Show us what you've got. Pay closely everyone. She was my best student before she left and went to school." Zoe yells and the dance room falls quiet.

I walk to the middle of the dance floor and roll up in a ball.
"Youth" by Daughter starts to play and I dance like I had rehearsed it earlier this year for the showcase.
Carly is the first one to start clapping and I smile at her.

"That, my newbies is a Juilliard performance. Only the best of the best get accepted and Taylor is one of the best." Zoe says, smiling proudly. "Now spread out and we'll start with some stretches."

"You are so good Taylor. I want to be just like you by the end of the summer." Annie says. "See you next week."

"Everyone seems to look up to you, don't they?" Zoe says, laughing.
"Yeah I guess."

"How would you like to teach a couple of classes a week? Nothing too major. Just my younger students. Tuesdays and Thursdays."
"Are you serious? I'd loved to! Wait, how are there skills?" I ask.
"You'll see."
"Zoe!" I say, laughing.
"How about you come to next Tuesdays class and I'll introduce you and you can see for yourself?" Zoe asks and I nod.
"I'll see you at 8am sharp then. And class runs two hours."

I grab my bag and pull my sweater over my sports bra before slipping on a pair of converse.
Carly had left to met some of her friends and I was alone.

I pull my car keys out and head home. There was some big summer bonfire happening on the beach later that we were all going to. Noah had found out about it through his friends and we were crashing it.

I had the perfect outfit planned for tonight and was excited to show it off. I had become such a fashionista ever since I moved to New York City which was kinda hilarious since I never got to go shopping.

Dance had taken over my life. 4 hours of modern/contemporary dance and a 2 hour class on singing every day.
I missed cheering but not as much as I missed Bailee. I hadn't seen her since graduation and we rarely talked anymore.

I finally make it home and start getting ready.


It was dark when we arrived and the only light was coming from the fire.
People were standing around but I knew no one.
"I'm gonna get something to drink. You want anything?" I ask before heading off to the most crowded area.
Noah wants a beer and Carly wants a water.

When I don't see them, I ask a guy.

Except this wasn't any guy. And I should've recognized him.

"Beau," I whisper my breath getting caught in my throat.

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