Chapter 17

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Ello boring filler chapter so leggo!

"Austin Mahone has postponed his tour and you won't believe why."

"For love Austin? Are you serious? This girl probably won't even make it five years down the road with him."

"Austin Mahone has postponed his world tour and the reason why is so adorable! I ship it and I love Taylor and Austin together as a couple."

I turn the tv off and sit back.

We were laid over in New York because London was experiencing a snow storm right now and all flights were cancelled or delayed.

In the press conference earlier, I explained I was postponing the first 3 shows and when I was asked why I said. "You never know when you'll get dealt love. But when you do get dealt it, you take it and run with it. You don't think. You don't care what others think. It only matters what she thinks. I love her. Some people may say that's stupid to say because we're both 19 and haven't lived yet but I do. I love her. I love how shes not afraid of what anyone thinks. I love the way her nose scrunches when she's learning a new dance piece, I love how she sings off key and doesn't care what anyway says, I love how she laughs at my jokes that aren't funny and should never be spoken but she laughs anyways. I love the way her eyes crinkle when she laughs and how focused she gets when she's dancing. I love that moment right when she wakes up and her hair is all around her like a beautiful sleeping angel. I don't expect you to understand why I'm doing this. All I know is I love her and I don't want to lose her again and if I don't do this I will lose her again."

"Austin! Can you tell us the moment you knew you loved her?!"

I smiled at the memory. "We were about 5 and our moms had us on a play date and I had my guitar and microphone performing and Taylor was playing dress up and I really would get into my performances. Anyways, I started to sing Michael Jackson's "smooth criminal" and I remember she walked in wearing her moms heels and marched over to where I had my microphone and started to sing along which was totally weird for five year olds to know all the lyrics to a song. My mom has the tape somewhere. I fell in love that day. She was always doing stuff like that. Surprising me and my love for her only grew stronger over the years."

"What if its too late Austin? What if she's moved on already?"

"I doubt she has." I say pausing. "Taylor if you're watching this, please come home or let me know its not over. When I'm with you, I forget the rest of the world. You make me feel more real than anyone I know can. Please, I love you."

Robert and Zach keep saying that everything will be fine but what if it isn't? Then what? I've lost everything.

It was midnight here and Robert and Zach were passed out.

I get up and walk out to the balcony and sit in one of the chairs they had.

I should've shut my phone off that night and slept in. Why did I have to leave?


Taylor is running towards me except its sunny outside, we're in her grandparents back yard and she's in a bikini.

A girl screams and I turn to find Bailee running from Alex.

"Austin!" Taylor yells. "Help me!"

Robert and Zach are chasing her with water guns.

We were having a water balloon/gun fight.

"Where are you? I can't help you if I can't find you Taylor."

"I'm right here silly."

"One day we're gonna take off to Europe and I'm gonna propose to that girl in Paris." Alex had said that day watching Bailee and Taylor.

"Are you serious?" I had asked.

"She's the one. She's my other half."

"Austin. Austin dude wake up." Zach says shaking my shoulder. "You fell asleep on the balcony. Our flight leaves in a hour."

"I know where she is."

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