Ch. 31

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So first off let me say I'm sorry that this one sucks and took forever to be uploaded. So so sorry that its so short!

Austin POV

I had woken Taylor up before I had left to go to the airport and she'd fallen back asleep before I had left the room.

Bailee had stopped me on the way out and said that she'd watch over Taylor and let me know when I needed to be there for her even if it was through FaceTime or talking on the phone and she'd call with news.

I had thanked her, said I'd try to be there as much as I could but she knew how crazy and busy tour life was.

As much as I hated leaving, I knew I had too. I couldn't cancel the tour nor postpone more shows.

I had sent Taylor a message before I had got on the plane saying that I loved her and was here for her no matter what.

I got no response.

And didn't hear anything from them for a couple of days.

Which is why it surprised me when Logan of all people I expected to call me.

Our conversation went as follows.

Me - Hello?

Logan: Austin? Its Logan. Taylor's brother.

Me - Hey what's up? Is everything okay?

Him: yeah it is. Actually its not. Alexa and Bailee didn't want you to know that dad is getting worse and its taken a toll on Taylor. She hasn't left her bed since you left and she isn't eating, all she does is watch sad movies and cry. And -"

"Logan who are you talking to? Is that Austin? Oh my god I can't believe you! Let me see the phone." Bailee says in the background. "Don't test me boy. I know where you sleep at night."

"Austin," Bailee says. "We were going to tell you."

"When? When my girlfriend was depressed and considering suicide? Is that when? You know how she is Bailee. Why would you keep that from me?"

"Austin, we're sorry. Okay? Nathan isn't getting better. The doctors have told Alexa and Nathan's parents that they can keep him on the respirator for a while longer in hopes his body starts the healing process but it hasn't already and it would be best if they took him off. That what's upset Taylor so much. She's still in shock. We've got her scheduled to talk to someone about what she's going through once a week. We've got her eating again. She doesn't stay in bed. She gets up every morning about 6 ish to run and I know she's been to our old dance studio once or twice to let off steam."

Logan says something in the background and I hear Bailee slap him.

"Please don't worry okay? We'll let you know everything once it happens."

I hear yelling in the background and Bailee shouts back. "I have to go. I'll call you later."

She hangs up before I can ask if I can speak to Taylor.

Robert walks into my dressing room and walks straight past me. "How do you tell a girl you like her but it would have to wait till you got done touring the world before you can take her on a date? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something."

I nod still looking down at my phone.

Taylor needed me.

I could feel it.

But my duty as a artist was calling and I couldn't cancel.

Do you sacrifice love for your career or sacrifice what you love for love?

Sorry for any mistakes and I don't even know if that last part makes any sense.. It's 3 am, I'm half asleep right now and posting this.

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