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"Well, that bloody git America somehow challenged me to play this immature game," England muttered to himself as he shut the door to the computer study in the Allies meeting building. He shut the lights off (as America had dared him to), and sat in the chair. He clicked the "Slenderman" icon, and his thick eyebrows furrowed. "Slender...man...? How idiotic," England scoffed, "I can see why that stupid American likes such a low rank game."

England clicked play, and gagged as he slid on the bulky headphones. "These must've been worn by a thousand other people," the Brit criticized. "Well, I'll just burn my ears off anyway." He read and reread the gameplay instructions thoroughly, then started walking through the dark forest. "God, it's so dark, is there a light or something...?" He asked no one in particular, then fiddled with the keyboard until his flashlight switched on, illuminating a small circle of light a small ways ahead of him. "Didn't America say this was supposed to be a horror-GAH!!" He jumped as his character rounded a corner and a tall man was standing in front of him. He turned around and ran the other way, and the demonic drumbeat slowly subsided, as did the static on the game screen. "Took me by bloody surprise..." Britain grunted as he regained his posture in the chair and a steady pace in the game. England's heartbeat was still flying, so he paused the game and took a few deep breaths. Once he got himself composed, he resumed the game. "Didn't the instructions say there was pages to collect?" He asked the dead air around him, then rammed into a tree in the game. He walked around the tree, and a flicker of white caught his attention. He turned, and saw a white sheet of paper on the tree he'd walked into. "This must be a page," he clicked the white note, which read 'don't look behind you-or it takes you,' scribbled in blood, and '1/8 pages collected' flashed on the screen.

He continued on down the path, and soon he came to a tunnel. Perhaps this would have another page...? He took the chance, and walked into the tunnel. He was nearing the end, when his screen became a bit staticky around the edges. England's thick eyebrows furrowed again, but he saw a page and walked to it. This one read 'FOLLOWS' in scribbled, messy writing. He clicked the note, and '2/8 pages collected' flashed on his screen. He turned to exit the tunnel, and the drumbeat boomed in his ears and the static became worse. He jumped, and a squeal left his mouth. He turned back around, to the other end of the tunnel, and made his character break out into a run. Once he got out of the tunnel, the static had nearly subsided completely, and England felt calmer and safer. He turned left, and the static once again jacked up and England yelped again. He was being followed by the tall man in the suit. He broke into a run again, his flashlight flickering with every step he took, and he saw a page on a tree. He stopped once he thought he was safe, then went to the tree and clicked the page. Just as '3/8 pages collected' flashed on screen, the drumbeat blared louder than ever into England's ears and the man's faceless white head popped up on the staticky computer monitor. England jumped and threw off the headphones, turned away from the screen, and took a few deep inhales and exhales. He gradually stopped shaking, then once he regained his composure he straightened his shoulders to look broader than usual, and walked out into the hall.

"England! Dude! How was the game!!!" America yelled at him, and England crumpled his nose in disgust of the sloppy American.

"It was fine, America. How could you be scared of something so idiotic? I don't see what the fuss was about, it was just an immature child's game," England said, and walked past the now-pouting American.

When England passed America and the chubbier nation couldn't see the Brit's face, England wiped a tear from his eye and tried to forget the faceless white head.

Hetalia Countries Play Slenderman/Horror GamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang