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Hey y'all!!!!! Wasup!!!!! So I get requested to write up for China, the only one of the allies who hasn't played, so boom! China, aru!!! Faster update for the WIN!!!:D and I just wanted to say a quick thanks to all my readers, fans, voters, commenters, all of you!!! You're so helpful and supportive, chat me up any time! You're all DaBombDiggity! So, as always, smash that vote button, keep the requests coming, and hope you enjoy!


"I don't know how those stupid people got me to play this immature child's game," China said as he sat down at the computer and hesitantly put on his headphones. "And this music is so stupid, aru."

He walked through the forest, and found a little page on a tree. He read it before he clicked it, a bit creeped out by the eerie message, but ignored it and continued walking. "So what's the point of this game, aru?" He asked himself. "Is this a horror game? Because I hate to say it, but it's strangely scary...,"

He kept walking through the forest, and suddenly his screen flashed static. He disregarded that, and kept on walking. Eventually, he found a second page on a tree. As soon as he clicked it, his screen became staticky again. He frowned upon that, but counted it as a computer malfunction. China soon got to a car crash site, and decided to skip over that. He assumed all the pages were just on trees.

After passing the crash site, the music seemed to get a bit less intense. He soon got to a building, and decided to take shelter inside of it. He wound his way through the confusing halls, soon to find a page stuck to the white tile wall by a bloodstain. It gave the Chinese man shivers up his spine. "So the pages aren't just on trees...," he quickly found his way out of the building, luckily without any static, and went back to the crash site, checking it for pages. He found one.

As he began to walk towards the truck with the page on it, he noticed the music got a bit louder and sharper. China got the urge to check behind him. Very bad idea.

A tall, shadowy man was standing directly behind him, and the music boomed suddenly. China squealed and jumped, then ran into the forest in hopes to get away from the figure. Soon, he found out he was being followed. "So that's why one of the pages said FOLLOWS," China said to himself, and was about to comment again when he found himself face-to-knee with the tall man. He yelped again, as the white, faceless head of the man flashed onscreen. He took off the headphones.

It took China about half an hour to regain his composure and calm down, then he quickly exited the room, hoping nobody even noticed him enter it in the first place. He vowed then to always agree to his terms and opinions only, and never take suggestions from anyone else, ever. Look how it resulted when he did.

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