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Hey guys! As promised, Belarus's chapter is up, as is a scary maze chapter! Keep the requests coming, I'm wide open! :D anyway, smash that vote button, comment your thoughts, and stay epic!!! :)


"Brother asked me to play this little game," Belarus said to herself, walking down the hall to Russia's study room, clutching the Slenderman game. Once sitting in the large chair, she turned the computer on, and squinted. "Scary...maze?" She whispered, clicking the icon and forgetting slenderman completely. Once the game loaded, she became confused. All it was was a black screen with a track that she had to make a little character follow. It seemed so simple. What was scary about it? How was it a maze if there was only one way to go?

She started to make the little character walk. It walked along the single track. This was too easy. Belarus considered closing the game, it was so pointless. Soon, she frowned upon it. The walls seemed to be getting closer together the more she walked, meaning she had less walking space and it was harder to stay away from the walls. The little hall she was walking through was getting narrower and narrower, and she sat forward in the chair to concentrate better. The object of the game was to not touch the walls, but Belarus had no idea why. She was tempted to touch the walls just to see what would happen, but she decided against it.

Belarus was growing frustrated. It was almost impossible to stay away from the walls, but she'd managed it. Just then, her finger slipped on the key, and her character hit a wall.

A loud, screechy, screaming siren went off, and the face of a terrifying zombie girl (if Belarus remembered it correctly, it was the face of the Exorcist girl) popped onto the screen. Belarus's eyes went wide with shock, and she jumped back with surprising agility and speed. Quickly pulling a knife from her dress pocket, she flung it with all her strength at the screaming monitor. The entire computer screen exploded upon impact from the forceful throw and black, jagged, broken pieces of screen stuck in the walls.

Belarus squealed, and saw this opportunity as one to cling to Russia. Running down the hall, she flung herself at her older brother, digging her nails into his skin and burying her face in his neck as he screamed almost as loud as the computer did.

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