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           "Where is it?"

           "Why do you want to know so badly"

           "It is your dictionary."

           "I know that"

He groaned frustratingly. She wasn't holding her dictionary when they drove back to her flat and that worried him because she always had it with her; either tucked under her arm or held closely to her chest.

           "I can go talk to him.."

           "Definitely not"


           "Marcel, look at yourself"

           "I do not see what the problem is"

He stood up and began walking to the kitchen, but he clumsily tripped over his own feet and fell on his side.

           "Jesus, Marcel"

           "I'm fine"

She gaped at him. He sat there awkwardly, unsure of why she was looking at him that way.

           "You just said 'I'm'"

           "I need a doctor"

She giggled and wrapped her arms around him. They didn't hug very often- that was for sure.

           "I will find it"


           "Your dictionary"

           "No you won't"

           "Correction- will not"

           "I will find it"




He yawned and she soon yawned after him. Their eyes were both droopy and dry from reading all day.

           "Stay the night?"

           "Was going to anyway"

She rolled her eyes and threw a blanket at him.


           "No pillow?"

           "I only have two"

           "I only need one"

           "I like having two pillows"

           "Suit yourself"

He lay down and pulled the blanket over his fully clothed body. He snored softly after a few minutes. She came back in when she was sure that he was asleep and put the pillow under his head.

           "Night, Marcel"

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