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Weddings. She was never fond of them, that was for sure. But this wedding? Oh my, she loved it. And why did she love this wedding so much? Because it was her own.

It's been about a year since they began dating and they finally got married.

           "So what do we do now?"

           "I do not know, what do people usually do after their wedding?"


           "Oh.. well, I do not think we are ready for.. that"

           "I agree.."

           "What do you suggest then, Mr. Styles?"

           "A fun game"

           "Math is fun"

           "No Jen, a different kind of fun"

           "I do not know, Marcel..."

He smiled and held her close to him. Their faces were inches apart, and just before they could share another one of their million kisses, he poked her sides.

          "Come on, Jen. Live a little"

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