Chapter 5

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Colmor stood amongst a promontory jutting out into the ocean, overlooking the crashing waves of Oanus' southern sea. A haze of gloomy grey clouds hung low over the world, a slight breeze ruffling Colmor's dress coat. He didn't know why he was there, honestly it was probably the worst place he had picked to go after their run in with the Ancillary fleet. Oanus was the epitome of backwater planets. It wasn't large enough to be classified as a capital world like Takaan and Casen, but it definitely wasn't as small as some of the other lesser known "planets" floating around. It lay out of the way of most of its bigger counterparts, surely far enough out of the common eye that they wouldn't get involved in the war; or so they thought. Oanus wasn't as useless as it seemed however. It provided a great deal of the resources for the Valhallan's main force, something that Colmor would want to take out eventually. But that wasn't why he was there. Something about coming to this backwater planet calmed him and took his mind off the war. There he could think and not suffer the repercussions he'd face if he were to pull that sort of thing in battle.

Colmor's daydreaming state was interrupted however, a small beep from his comm indicating that one of his subordinates wished to speak with him. The war had found him amidst the calm. He clicked the button on the small piece, opening his end of the comm to his subordinate. "What do you need?" he asked with a great deal of irritation.

"Sorry to interrupt you boss, but we've got a situation here and I'm thinking you need to come and see it," a gruff voice responded, brushing of Colmor's dissent. It was Sigma, Colmor's go-to man to get the job done.

Colmor sighed. He knew the war would come beckoning at some point. It was just a matter of time before it did. He swallowed his discontent and then replied, "Alright. I'll be there as soon as I can. Don't let anything else go wrong until I get there ok?"

Sigma gave a light chuckle, which to Colmor sounded like a snoring bear, but he knew when Sigma was amused. "Ok boss. See you soon," he clicked off the comm.

Colmor turned away from the ocean to face the lush green hills of Oanus. He stepped forwards, his matte grey boot sinking into the rich volcanic soil, their colors blending nearly to the point where Colmor couldn't tell where his foot was. The wind that was flowing through the air was now picking up as Colmor departed the promontory. His craft wasn't too far away from him, but he had the pilot set down where he couldn't see the ship from the cliff. He didn't want to deal with anything for a while. He came up over the top of a grassy hill, and on the other side, down the steep slope, lay his transport. As soon as he was onboard the pilot lifted the ship gently from the grass, creating ripples as the engines flared. Sigma was about a hundred klicks away from Colmor's little excursion. The flight only lasted a few minutes. They set down on a the volcanic soil next to Sigma's convoy. Colmor stepped of the ship swiftly, and immediately went to Sigma. He was holding a person by the arm, his massive hands wrapped around their puny arm. He seemed as if he wasn't gripping their arm very hard, but to them it probably hurt a lot. Sigma yanked the woman forward gently, presenting her to Colmor. "This little prick decided that she wanted to assault one of our troops. Hit him right over the head with a rock and then proceeded to try and bomb our transport."

Colmor inspected the woman carefully. It was difficult as she squirmed under the oppression of Sigma and his brute strength. She didn't appear to be too well armed; Sigma did say she used a rock as a weapon, but she had a bomb on her at on point. What happened to it, Colmor had no clue, but wherever it was it didn't damage anything. She also didn't look to be very fit. She lacked a certain muscularity he would've expected from someone brave enough to attack them. She wasn't unfit however, she was pretty slender for someone her age. Colmor figured she had come from one of the nearby villages, as her clothes were not something out of a city. She wore a basic grey tunic and khaki-colored pants. She wore moccasin-like shoes to cover the bottoms of her feet. Definitely not a city dweller.

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