Chapter 11

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"What's going on down there? What's happening?" Colmor queried over the comm. "Sigma, respond."

"We're pinned down. They caught us off guard," Sigma yelled over the gunfire. Colmor felt a slight hint of I told you so, but he decided against saying it.

"Just try and survive. We'll send down a dropship to come get you," Colmor said. He turned to his deck officer and ordered him to send a dropship down to the surface. "Dufresne."

"Yes, sir," Dufresne replied, turning from his station.

"You have the bridge," he said leaving the deck officer to command over the ship. He turned and departed the bridge, traversing the long, winding corridors of the Tempest, making his way back to his quarters. He hit the button to open his door, and to his surprise Loval was still there.

"Look who showed up," Sefass said quizzaciously. "Are you ready to watch those movies?"

"Unfortunately, that'll have to wait a little bit longer. I have to find a place that we can go where they won't find us."

"Who's they?" Sefass solicited. She shifted in the bed to be more attentive.

"The Commune. Or the Orient. Or the Valhallans. Or whatever the hell they're called. Every place we flee to they always seem to be there. I'm tired of it. We need time to rebuild in peace so we can continue our campaign," Colmor stated. He huffed, the stress of this war was getting to him more than it ever had.

"Have you ever considered giving up. You know that this won't end well. I can see it in your eyes," Sefass sighed.

"What about the Cilveracii sector? They're a demilitarized sector that we can call home for a little bit," Colmor asked, completely ignoring Sefass' question.

"You didn't answer my question, Colmor. Why not just put this to an end and give in?"

"That's a coward's way out!" Colmor snapped.

"You're known to the galaxy as a coward. You could keep up the charade and put a peaceful close to this war. I know you want to. I know deep down that you don't want to be a pawn anymore. You just want to live peacefully," Sefass stood from the bed. "Put an end to this Colmor. Come back to me. Then you'll have me all to yourself and you'll never have to worry about anything ever again."

The offer tempted his brain. His heart longed for what she explained. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to pull himself from the war as easily as she had made it seem. She played her cards well, but Colmor was stubborn. "I'm sorry, Sefass. I have to keep on. The lives of our men depend on it."

She backed away slowly and solemnly. She wouldn't look into his eyes. She turned back to the bed and layed down, a crestfallen visage across her face.

"Sefass, I promise this will end soon. I'll be back for you."

"You've said that before. It's not true. How many times have you said that and not come back?" Sefass asked through a sniffle. Colmor stepped forward to sit on the bed, put Sefass pushed him away.

"Sefass. Why are you crying?" he asked, the pain coming through in his voice. He stood over her, watching her trying to hold back the tears.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore Colmor. It's either me or the war," she stated. The ultimatum hit him like a freighter. He knew he couldn't pick the war because Sefass would leave him, but if he abandoned the mission, his men would lose trust in him. Colmor stepped back and sat down in a chair to think. Sefass began to cry harder.

"You really have to think about this? God dammit Colmor you just can't do it can you?!" she cried through light sobs. Colmor didn't answer. She glared at him, still crying, "Answer me!"

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