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A/n: I'm going to be posting updates 5 chapters at a time, so it may be slow but you'll get aloottt. Also this fanfic is going to be on the more realistic side hopefully, obviously not all will be. But most experiences will be real experiences and will have factual feelings (besides the whole relationship)

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight."

The small feet of little girls swing around, stumbling occasionally. The frustration building in the little girl, brown curls pulled back into a slick perfect bun. Her eyes shining in determination.

"Scarlet! Right foot, left arm, left foot, right arm!"

The soft voice of the instructor reminding the young child. Her eyebrows furrowed in determination. The music stopped and all the girls stop their movements and gather to the front of the room.

"Okay girls, you guys looked so great today! Just remember to point your toes and to keep you head high with your chest low."

The bundle of heads moved agreeing, taking in the advice of their instructor.

"Now remember to wait here until your parent comes in to pick you up!"

The door opens and the familiar faces of the childrens parents walk in. Children grabbing their bag and running to their parent, except for Scarlet. Her face turning from happy to sour when her parent doesn't walk in.

"Ms.Bessy where's my mommy?"

The instructor open her mouth to answer until a man with the same thick brown hair and green eyes as Scarlet. The slight glimmer of sweat on his forehead and hand running through his hair.

"DADDY!" The young girl yelled, excitement apparent in her voice.

Harry's POV

I pick my daughters dance bag up, and flash her a loving smile. She was my pride and joy, my mini me. It was my first time picking her up from her dance class, usually her mother does. I got here 10 minutes early but I some how managed to get lost and walk into an elders yoga class.

I cringe at the memory of the old women in a position that no old women should be in.

"You must be Scarlets father!"

A sweet soft voice snaps me out of my thought and I look over to a petite girl. I look her up and down, taking in her curves, freckles and frizzy brown hair in a messy ponytail. She was beautiful to say the least. Remembering that she asked me something, I snap out of my gaze.

"Oh yeah I am!"

Look down at my daughter, who's holding my leg. I look back over at the freckle face girl. I hold my hand out to shake hers,

"The name is Harry, and yours?"

The grabs my hand, the sensation of a small soft hand filled mine. Slight tingles come from the touch, but I quickly retract my hand.

"My name is Bessany, but everyone calls me Bess."

I flash a smile, before responding.

"Thats a beautiful name Bessany,"

Before being able to continue my phone starts ringing, pulling it out and rolling my eyes at the caller ID. I silently excuse myself and my daughter.

"What do you want Payne?" Annoyance laced in my voice.

"The stock market drop! It füking dropped Harry, we down two bloody million dollars!"

My eyes widden and the familiar feeling of stress enters my body. I bid him good and tell him I'm coming into the office.


I dropped my daughter at home, and grabbed my brief case. Waving my yelling wife off as I pull out of the drive way. I arrive at work soon and rush in, quickly entering the elevator. As I wait for the elevator to move my mind wonder to the events that took place today. More specifically, Bessany. I know I shouldn't be thinking of her, but her enchanting sea blue eyes and baby soft skin sucked me in. Things at home with the wife weren't the worst. Actually, they are horrible. If we didn't have Scarlet I would've divorced the wicked witch of the west a long time ago. I should've known something was wrong with her from the start. I suggested we got a prenub and she nearly went ballistic on me. After a week of yelling she finally gave in, but ever since she's always acting as if she's holding a grudge against me.

My thoughts are interrupted by the dinging and opening of the elevator door. I take long strides to my office door, opening it and throwing my brief case and jacket on the chair. Taking a deep breath, I pull my stack of papers out and my laptop, trying to fix the damage done to my business.


It's half past 2 in the morning by the time I finally finish my work. Nearly getting most of the money we lost back, I close my laptop and sit back. Taking deep breaths before an idea pops into my mind. I get up and lock the door and sit back down in my chair. Slowly unbuckling my belt and pulling them down slightly. Grasping my hard on and moving my hand slowly. I began to imagine it was someone else, immediately a someone else becomes a certain person. I speed my movements at the thought of her touch. I throw my head back, biting my lip, before I knew it my mouth moaned a name while the sticky icky bursted from me.


Bessany // H.SWhere stories live. Discover now