Chapter One: School

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"Nine!" I say excitingly "It's our first day as enrolled high school students!"

He doesn't really understand what this means to me. I understand that he'll never know so I'll play it off as nonchalant later. "This isn't for fun its primarily for business." Is the response I get with glazed over cold eyes.

I've never been to school, I've heard about it but I've never been. I figure its something the institution took from me. Nevertheless, school is still school regardless of how many classes I'll actually be attending.

This bliss suddenly comes over me as I see the school appear in the horizon. I hear voices. I peer over the fence and realize this damn place was bigger than I thought. I want to dismiss the voices but I can't help getting involved.

Dear reader, what happen there is something you will find out later. It's not important right now. What is important is that water now clung to my clothes as I floated within it.

The girl looked as if I'd saved her and that because of it she now understood my soul. This girl's eyes looked just like one of the kids in the institution. This girl was not just a girl. This girl was Lisa.

Authors note:

As of this chapter it followed pretty close to the anime. So the events that happened are the owners ideas. NOT MINE. The added in thoughts for the most part are mine. The next chapter will be more me however some parts will follow the anime cause I want to show people how broken Twelve truly is. Please bear with me its my first fan fiction. Also sorry its so short future chapters will be longer!

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