Chapter Three: Nine

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We meet at the roof of the school building. It was obvious he knew of my excitement of the school day. It was also obvious that he thought I was getting too attached. 

"Keep a low profile" Nine reminded me. As if I wasn't already trying to do that. The pool disaster was my fault at the same time that it wasn't. I couldn't let Lisa be bullied like that, it went against our morals. I never wanted to see harm come to anyone, especially Nine. 

"I know, I know" I wanted to be a regular student but at the same time, I had more important business to take care off. The business you ask, well let's just say you'll learn about that sometime in the future. 

I noticed Lisa quietly rushing into the bathroom. "Hmm, I wonder what that's all about." Maybe those girls were getting too her again or maybe there were more bullies than I previously thought. 

"Don't" I heard Nine mutter next to me and I turn to look at him. "Don't get too involved."

Another warning, like I'll blow up our plan on purpose. I want to succeed in this almost just as much as he does. "I won't" At least not at this moment. 


I'm lying awake in my bed while Nine is sleeping in the same apartment as I am. Nine. Even though his eyes hold a cold gaze, I've never felt anything but warmth and comfort while standing next to him. I remember a time without him, a time where all I did was suffer. The institution didn't do much to help bring an end to my suffering but Nine was the warm spot I found solace in. 

I stuck next to him through everything. He was already there when I was brought in. I wonder why he let me stick around with him. I had my own twisted way to cope with the daily horrors. Who knew children were even allowed to be treated like that? However, that is a different story for a different time. 

As long as Nine was by my side any place felt like home. For a long time before we settled in Tokyo, we were essentially nomads. Or least that's what we were in my opinion. Still, I never felt out of place.

I remember living in a land covered in ice and snow. Nine loved that place and his feeling towards there slowly seeped into my heart. He holds pieces of that world close to his heart, often listening to music that was produced there or reminds him of the time we spent there. However, we both knew after we accomplished our goals we would soon have to leave and move to Japan. 

How do I describe what Nine means to me? I often find myself wondering this even when I'm not trying to describe it to random people we have encountered. He's my best friend, well more than a best friend. But some people have thought we are more like lovers. I don't think of Nine like that. I think of him as my protector, my sun, my reason for existing.

The reason I say the last one is because due to what the institution did to us. It made us believe that it would be best not to get too involved with the general society. That's one of the other reasons he gave me so many warnings before and after school. He understands I want more from life, and I understand that sometimes I won't be able to get everything I want. It's a mutual, unspoken agreement. Nine only gives me warnings, and I keep myself within certain bounds. 

That's another thing I love about Nine, he knows when and how to let me have enough of a normal life to keep me happy. I would never do anything to hurt or leave Nine. At this point, we're basically at a set package. We both assist each other and know what the other is thinking, it's a nice relationship where we only have to depend on one person. 

At that moment after I finish that thought, I hear movement around me and the sink suddenly turn on.  Even after just thinking of Nine, when I hear him get up my mind immediately goes to Lisa. I can already tell he has been having that nightmare again. The one with the other kid we were close to in institution. "I had a feeling you would have that nightmare tonight,"  I said calling out to him.

I would you figure that?" He asked. Logically I already knew the answer, I just didn't know if he would want to accept it. "Because of Lisa." I said at last, "Her eyes look exactly like the kid's eyes from the institution." 

He didn't say anything in return but I could tell even though he didn't like the answer a part of him agreed with it. He silently padded his way over to his bed and turn away from me without another word.

I know why Nine has a problem with Lisa. She reminds him of her. Lisa's eyes and helpless gaze bring back the only weak moment he has despised for a long time. Sure, we've all had our fair share of weak moments but out of the few I remember from Nine, this is the only one he won't let himself forget. I understand why I was there too and I do not want to ever feel that helpless ever again. It felt as if the cards that I currently held in my hand got swept up in a huge gust of wind and never came back. 

I still had school the next day and I wanted to be seen as an exemplary student even with my sudden transfer so I figured I should get up in time to make it to school on time. I also can't have another swimming pool fiasco. I turned on my side and slowly drifted off into a dreamless slumber, unlike Nine who was doomed to barely get and rest. 

Authors Note:

This chapter is roughly 1010 words long. Is this a good length or do you want future chapters to be longer? And if so, how much longer should I make them? Please leave me a comment.

Also if you want a story like this for any other characters in this anime or another one. I have a list of animes I have completed on my blog ( I will also be willing to write a few ship books the 2 ones I would be most interested in writing would be Kit and Ty from Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare or Rei and Nagisa from Free!. But if you want to see more from me outside this story please leave a comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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