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You make my day
When something happens, good or bad, I immediately want to tell you about it. You not only a "boyfriend", if I can use that word... you a brother to me, a best friend.

I don't let many people in, yes I talk to a lot of people and people feel comfortable enough to confide in me, yet few people know me. They only know what I choose to reveal...

You are unbelievably caring, you a good guy, don't let anyone ever let you think otherwise. If I have ever made you feel like I was attacking your character- I apologise.

You deserve the best. You deserve a woman that's going to make you smile and laugh all the time. Even if at times she frustrates you, within in seconds she will make you smile and make you forget why you upset. You deserve a woman that's going to treat you like the King you are but always remind you that you are a slave of God. She needs to be by your side supporting you in everything you do.

There's someone for everyone and you shouldn't settle. If things don't work out and years down the line... I see you and I see you with someone else and you smiling and happy and laughing, I will genuinely be happy.

When you truly care for someone, their happiness is all that matters to you, even if it doesn't benefit you.

There is not a moment I don't think about you. Even now, I think about what you doing, did you eat? Are you OK... I worry about you.

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