Not a rabid dog

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"I've been having a coyote problem. The population is up around here and they get into everything." We hear Mr. Tate say the the sheriff.

"That doesn't exactly look big enough to catch one." Sheriff Stilinski trails off.

You can hear Mr. Tate sigh. "It's a rat trap. Take away the coyote's source of food and they leave you alone. And these days, to be honest, I'd prefer to be left alone."

"I understand. Just a couple of questions and I promise I'll leave." The sheriff says as Scott, Stiles and I creep through the back door.

"New evidence?"


Scott and I begin smelling around seeing if we can catch anything. "All I'm getting is some animal smell." Scott says.

I nod in agreement. "Yea same."

"What kind of animal?" Stiles asks, and as if on cue and dog emerges from the other room looking rather mean might I add.

"Dog." Scott answers as we stare him down and he us.

"I puppy." I try reaching out but retract my hand quickly when he snarls at me.

"Get rid of it." Stiles hisses to Scott.

"Me?" Scott ask in shock.

I nod shaking my head and elbowing him. "Yes you. You're the fucking alpha."

"Glow your eyes at it or something." Stiles adds as the dog continues to growl.

"I can't." Scott shakes his head. "I don't have control. Why don't you try it Devin?"

"What why me?" I ask grabbing onto Stiles arm as the dog growls again.

"Well you're the Vindex, that means protector right?" Scott says backing up.

"Yea defender from supernatural shit. Not a rabid dog." I snap.

"Alright well someone's gonna have to do something." Stiles finally says. "Nice doggy." He tries reaching out but the dog begins barking like crazy.

"Apollo! Apollo, shut up! Shut the hell up!" Mr. Tate yells from the front. The dog immediately shrinks back and begins whining.

The three of us all share a look before shrugging and returning to find a scent. "Here. Try that. Anything? " Stiles ask as I dig through a drawer.

"All I'm getting is that dog." Scott says.

I nod my head in agreement. "Yea same it's scent is on everything. I think we should go." I say hearing yelling coming from up front.

"Just go!" Tate yells making us all quickly get out.

"I'm sorry. We tried as hard as we could." Scott says as we meet up with Sheriff Stilinski.

"Yea. If it wasn't so long ago, we might have been able to do it." I add leaning against the cop car.

"It's okay. It was a long shot. In fact, it was a pretty terrible idea. I think I just ripped a wound open in that poor man. I never should have brought you guys here. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for trying, all right?" He nods.

"Yea no problem." I smile.

He turns to Stiles and gives a weak smile. "See you at home." He says getting in and driving away.

"Aren't there a lot of cases that go unsolved?" Scott ask as we watch him drive him away.

"Yeah, I just think this is one he felt like he could've figured out right now." Stiles sighs as we all pile in.

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