Chapter 5: After my Flight. . .

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Chapter 5: After my Flight. . .


HEY PEOPLES! xD How's life? Like the story so far?? I hope you do. . . hehe. xP anyway, thanks for reading this far. I really appreciate it! xD I'll shut up now so you can read. See ya. . . at the end of the chapter. xP

Reyna's p.o.v.

Okay, so, as I said before. . I was flying through the air. -_- Kinda sad isn't it? When I was so close to tearing his guts out and finding my mom? That stupid idiot. I wonder what his name is. . . How come I still don't know? Eurgh. Now I won't know who killed me. Anyway, he probably threw me off him, since he was nearly done transforming already. Curse him. . . I will get revenge as a ghost! xD . .Maybe haunt him or whatever. . . I don't know why I'm so calm right now. . . I should be panicking and screaming. . But maybe the wolf inside me, realizes that there's no point screaming and flailing. Or I'm just awesomely cool. That's probably it.

*sigh* I'm still flying through the air, looking around, taking in the view before I fall splat on the ground and die. It's been about ten seconds. . Dang, the guy is strong. . . I'm pretty high up right now. . Hey! I can see the Statue of Liberty! Oh! And over there's the empire state building. xD How nice. I'm so happy I got to see those before I died. Maybe I should at least try to save myself. . I am in wolf form after all. . . maybe I can land on my feet! Wait, no. . .that's a cat. . . *sigh*

OW! I felt something whip my side. It was a branch. . .grr. . . Oh CRAP! That means I'm close to the ground. .. AHHH!!! O_O I flipped myself over so I was facing the ground, and prepared myself for the pain when I land and die on impact on the stupid cement under me. Or maybe I'll suffer. . Darn it. At least I died trying to save my mom. T^T A heroic death. . ish. . . I like the sound of that.

Another branch whipped me from a lower tree. I winced and shut my eyes tight. I was going to die any minute now. . . . .now??. . umm. . .now?? I opened my eyes and found myself on a cushiony section of moss near a pond. What the. . how come I couldn't even feel the impact?? I blinked a few times, cleared my vision, and looked up. THE STUPID IDIOT WAS STANDING OVER ME AND LAUGHING.




I bolted up and backed away. The idiot werewolf calmed down after he realized I was backing away and stared at me. I glared back. Grrrrr.. . .

"So sweetie, you-"


"Calm down, you're gonna wake up the whole park. I threw you to the other side of the park apparently. It took a while to find you. . ."

At least one of my questions was answered. -_-

"You blacked out. When I got where, your eyes were closed and you were lying on your side like you were asleep. It's around 4:00 a.m. right now, you were out about two hours. I guess the fall scared you. heh heh"

He smirked. And I ignored him. At least I know why I didn't feel anything. I blacked out before I hit the moss. THANK YOU MOSS! xD Anyway, something's wrong here. . oh yeah, why isn't he a wolf?

"Umm, why aren't you a wolf? o.O Oh, and I never got your name. . . -_-"

"It's Andorr, stupid girl. I changed back into a human. I'll change back into a wolf if you want."

He smirked AGAIN. And I cursed him in my head. -____- This was getting irritating. . .

"Where are your minions?" I asked. hehe

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