Chapter 7: Two Down, Three to Go

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Chapter 7: Two Down, Three to Go

Reyna's p.o.v.

I stood there, trembling out of anger? Fear? I wasn't really sure. All I really knew, was that my mom was in mortal danger, and she told me to RUN!?!

There was a man next to my mom. He looked tough, scary, powerful, tall. . . Tattoos snaked up his arms, and piercings covered his twisted face. My mom was whimpering, and looking at me, begging me to run. I tore my eyes away from her and looked straight into the pitch black eyes of the man. He sneered and whipped my mom again.

Crraaacckkkkk! I winced as my mom let out a piercing scream. She didn't do anything to deserve this. If anything, I did. I gave my mom a tough time, never really listening to her, staying alone, cooped up in my old room. I'm NOT going to let ANYONE treat her like this ever again. D:< I clenched my fist and willed myself into wolf form. It was working! I felt fur appearing on my arms, and teeth sharpening, then a hand on my shoulder. I followed the hand to its owner. Andorr. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered through clenched teeth.

"Don't transform, they're werwolves too. And as you can probably tell, powerful."

What? They're? There are more than one? I didn't notice anyone else. Tearing my eyes off the towering figure, I scanned the rest of the area. There were four more werewolves exactly the same as the one gaurding my mom, standing guard for more people, who were probably Andorr's packmates. Then I saw. . . Cassy?? Was she a werewolf too?? All five humans? werewolves? whatever, were tied up and beaten.

So. . . it's Andorr and me versus all these bastards? No biggie heh heh.

I whispered again. "Yo, Andorr. So we have erm.  ..back up?"

He gave me the look: -____- "No you stupid, wolf's blood pack is small, everyone's there, tied up."

F*************************** This'll be harder than I thought. T^T

"Hey, sweetie, stop talking, and lets see what you can do." The strange man with the tattoos gaurding my mom spoke. ARGH!! IMMA KILLLLL HIM!!


I transformed. The feeling of danger and death swarmed me. I growled and and it all went away. I'm going to KILL this werewolf!

"STOP REYNA!" Andorr grabbed me by the neck. I turned my neck around, almost biting his hand.

I heared him sigh, and found another whitish tanish wolf next to me hackles raised.

So, Andorr's deciding to fight to. Andorr, you stupid. Leave him to me. .

 No, he's too strong. 


All werewolves can do that you stupid. Try talking to Mr. Tough Guy if you want.

Huh? I looked at the guy, now in wolf form. Yipee. -__- Imma die.

Yes, you ARE going to die. Unless, you join our pack. It was the stupid a**h*** who whipped my mom. 

F**** you!

AH!! Can't I think in private? Jeez.-______-

No, only if you block out everyone else. Andorr was speaking. . wait no. . thinking?? Whatev. . .

I blocked out everyone else.. HA NO MORE EAVESDROPPING!! O_O What do I do next? I glanced at my mom. She was staring at me, terrified. I wasn't really sure if it was from my deadly aura or the fact that I finally transformed into a werewolf, after all she tried to keep me normal. I have to save her, keep her close, never let anyone hurt her again. But I've gotta defeat the douche first. NOOOOO!! Dx

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