Chapter 19: Blood...Spinning...Black.

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Chapter 19: Blood...Spinning...Black.

Reyna's p.o.v.

 "Get back here, girl!" I heard Bolt scream. Hey. . bolt. . as in like. the nail. . haha, what a wierd name.

"You're name is funny!" I screamed back as I ran through the lobby andout another soor. there were idiots guarding the door time time rawr. 

". . . WHATEVER! Hey! If you don't stop I'm goi nto have to force you!" he screamed as I heard his shoes squeak as he turn into the hallway.

"You can TRY!" I yelled back, gleefully. x)

"Fine, try I will," he said calmly. Then I heard silence. Absolute silence. The sound of his feet pounding repetitively agaisnt the ground had ceased. I stopped running. What the- AHHH!!! A force grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and a cloth went down, covering my face.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" I roared, as I shook him off, kicked him, and sprinted away.

"F***," I heard him mutter.

"Git," I mumbled under my breath as I entered a dark room. I felt the wall for the light switch, and found it close to the door. I flipped it on and NATURALLY, I was in Arse's office.

"Yo," Arse said, trying to look all cool-like in his spinny chair. I pivoted on my left heel, and started to run out the door, when my fact met a hard, flat surface. I fell back, and landed on the carpeted floor with a soft thud. "Owiee"

"Sorry," Jim said."Couldn't have you escaping again, could I?"

"Traitor," I hissed. Jim's gleeful expression turned guilty, and he looked away. hmph.

Thud. A mysterious force hit the door on the otherside. "What the hell?" Jim spoke as he opened the door. I mmediatly ran out, and might have accidentally stepped on Bolt.

"ARGH! I'll get you for that!" I heard Bolt's voice say. Yeah, defintely him. HAHA! He ran into a door. (Author: Who are you to say that? Reyna: Shuddap. hmph)

I ran to my room and bolted the door (haha, bolted.) hehe. Off to gather explosives. xD Wait. ._. *walks back and puts a bunch of stuff in front of door* kayyyyyy. x) I went to go move the bed and clear a space. Then I proceeded to punch the wall. It crumbled nicely and I walked in. After a while I arrived at the trapdoor. I hooked my finger in the small hole and yanked it down. Dirt rained down on me from cracks. Bleh. I spit some dirt out on the floor.

"Open Sesame," I spoke clearly. The ceiling above me crumpled and I hoisted myself up into the supply room. *yawwwnn* I grabbed as many as I could (like 7) and looked ow nthe hole in the floor. Darn it. how am I supposed to bring these down without creating an explosion? RAWR.Oh. Wait. no. DUR. .-.

I left them near the edge of the hole and jumped down. I reached up and grabbed a some of them and set them GENTLY on the floor. This is going to take a while. . :/  I took the rest down and took them all back to the start. Hm. I glances at my watch. 5:23. . . I should go out first .I don't think they will make me run five miles anymore. heehehe. xD

I emrged out of the wall, and moved everything back into its original place. I put my hand on the doorknob, then pulled it back, hesitantly. Something wasn't right here. . . I moved to my laptop and turned it on. I looked around. I felt like I was being. . watched. :/ Did someone see me come out of the wall? O_O Try to act normal, try to act NORMAL.

So. . I went on wattpad, and started reading random stories. O.O I heard a creak behind me and turned my chair around, facing hte restroom. Nothing. I turned back slowly to my laptop, and continue reading where I left off. And the heard the sound again. Hey. . was it my chair? I rocked back and forth. Creek, Creek, Creek Cre- GAHH! =3=

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