Chapter 12

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My first instinct is to run. Run away from everything. School. Kim. Trapped. My Father's death. Hair color. My next instinct is to yell at her for all the pain she has caused me. I am too tired for anything. Specially arguing with my teacher. How did she see us anyway? We were hidden the whole time. At least I thought we were. Guess not. I was about to ask her how she knew when Hanna speaks up.

"You know you aren't either."

'"That is not what I was talking about." She says surprised "I was having a business meeting."

Yeah whatever. I'm sure business means kissing a blonde man. Every time they heard a sound they freaked out for a minute. They jumped at every little sound.

"I'm sure that's all it was" Hanna says sarcastically

She looks confused. Looking around like we are being watched. We might be. I think they have hidden cameras. Obviously not in the library. Hanna looks at me. I barely notice. I am honestly in shock. First we find a hidden exit, then I go outside for the first time in almost a year, and I see my math teacher kissing a blonde man. This has been a crazy evening. The craziest.

"How did you know he was blonde?" Ms. Aceti asks in a shushed tone

Really? Did she not see his hood fall off? It may have been dark but he was beach blonde. You could definitely tell.

"Remember that hood?" Hanna questions "Yeah fell off his blonde head."

Dang, Hanna is getting sassy. Doesn't she realize we could get kicked out of the school if Ms. Aceti tells. Ms. Aceti stares at Hanna and I shocked we knew.

"Okay, I can share your little trip with, Headmistress O'Brien and get you shipped off to prison."

I am freaking out. She can probably tell I am shaking so much. Prison does not sound fun. I was always afraid of it. But I have never been this close to it before. I can almost smell the food. I am spoiled at Bratten, three course meals everyday.  But at prison you don't get that. Or my comfy bed. I cannot give that up!

"I can share your little love with her as well" I finally speak up

If she tells someone about us. We can do the same to her. We both know we can't do anything to other without getting in trouble.

"What if we told headmistress O'Brien 'Oh we just wanted to make sure our dearest teacher was safe and she was with a blonde man, we were scared!' what about that?" Hanna asks

She stares at us, completely horrified. I can tell she basically thinks we are devils. I always thought she was smart, know I think she is stupid. Did she really think that she could get us in trouble and we wouldn't try to defend ourselves. I am not one to back down, I am not just going to accept defeat and get in the truck to jail. She wishes.

"You wouldn't without getting yourselves sent to prison." She says

"Yes but you can't with getting sent to prison yourself." I say

She stands up from where she was sitting. Walks over to us. She looks me in the eye.

"You don't say anything" She seethes "I don't!"

She finishes. Walks down to the teaching quarters. Before she disappears down the hall I hear her yell.

"Get to your dorm girls, it's past your curfew! And I never want to see you out of uniform again!"

I have finally realized who she reminds me of. Ever since sophomore year she has reminded  me of someone. But I have never been able to put my finger on it. Kim. She is just an older version of her. Only cares about herself. Evil. Acts perfect in public. In reality they are not. Maybe she is Kim's mom. Ha!

Hanna looks at me. She looks like if she doesn't lay down she will pass out. She is also crying. How has she been holding up this long. She cries at everything. But never while it is happening. She is strong then. She grabs my hand and we walk to our room together. I want to sleep the minute we are there. But first I grab the notebook and write the way out. We still have so much to figure out. But we are one step closer.

"Eva I don't mean to be rude" Hanna says

Oh no. Does she not want to go the factory? Does she want to tell on Ms. Aceti. Does she hate me? Is she going to tell someone that I am blonde?

"How are we going to reach the blonde factory if you can barely make it outside?"

She has a point I am out of shape. I could barely make it down the stairs. The walk to the factory is a long one. I am going to have exercise. Great.

I finally lay down and fall asleep. My sleep is full of nightmares. 

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