Chapter 14

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We are leaving tonight. It's been a month and a week since we first saw Ms. Aceti with Jason the blonde man. This weekend is a three day weekend. We can only visit our parents three times during the school year. The first week of October, which is this week. Two weeks at Christmas. And a week in April. I have never left the school for a week. Hanna has.

We deiced to wait an extra week, because they don't care what you do on the weekend if you stay at school. Nothing is required. Most of the teachers go on vacation, or visit family. Really the whole place is free to use. The only people that stay are, kitchen staff, guards, and a few teachers. I heard Ms. Aceti is staying. I hope she doesn't see us leave. She shouldn't we are leaving at 8, she normally leaves at midnight.

Hanna and I have been making tons of plans. Everything is mapped out. It can't fail. I hope. We finally chose a path to take to the factory. We are going to walk along the river by the back entrance. We will turn when we reach the castle walls. Then walk basically straight till we reach the Factory. We plan to get there at 2:30, because we will stop for water.

One of our biggest problem's it getting in the Factory. Hanna and I still don't know how we are going to get in. We plan to tell them we are there on business. I don't know if the guards will believe us. I don't have any plans if they don't except run.

It is 5 now, we have our bags packed. We are taking a change of clothes, the notebook, a thin blanket, and a First Aid kit. We are know on our way to the kitchen for food. We reach the mess hall and walk into the kitchen, to talk to the kitchen staff.

"Hi, my friend here is very sick." Hanna says this is our plan to get food "I don't want her leaving the room, do you have some food and water we could have, something that doesn't need to be cooked?

I am pretending to be sick. The kitchen staff stare at us, like we are crazy. I think we are.

"Can you get that sick person out of here?" Finally a lady speaks up

Guess I am convincing. I walk out and wait for Hanna in the our room. I hope they give us food. If they don't we can't go. There is not guarantee of the blonde's feeding us. Honestly I don't want their food. I would rather have something from here. And we are going to need water for our journey. In a minute Hanna comes in with 2 large bags of food.

I look through them. 8 bottles of water. Apples, hard salami, pita bread, crackers, peanut butter, granola bars, chips, and a bag of candies. This is more than I thought we would get, but way less than I am used too.

Hanna and I split the food between our two packs. When we finish packing we go to the library. No one is watching it, the librarian went to visit her parents. We get there and go to a table and read books from a shelf.

I can't read I am so anxious. I have been waiting for a month to get out. No, years. I have just never had a chance before this. Thank you Hanna for giving me a chance to change who I am.

7:58. So close. Hanna gets up. Just as she does. Ms. Aceti comes through the doors. I guess she wanted a longer talk tonight.

"Going for your exercise?" She asks

I see Ms. Aceti almost every time I walk. She is always somewhere. So I told why I am walking. Well half of it. Ms. Aceti and I have become to understand each other's s situation. We don't threaten each other anymore. Which is good. I don't need a bad grade in math.

"Yes, Hanna is coming today." I say hoping she doesn't ask anything else.

"Okay have fun girls." As she walks, or skips away, someone is happy today

Hanna and I start our 6 hour journey. We walk pass the rats and all the stairs in record time. But not passing Ms. Aceti who must have ran. I have finally gotten used to the smell. Kind of. It's become less noticeable. I now realize the walk was never that long, just seemed like it. We reach the end of the tunnel and climb out to the evening air. It feels so good. A bit cold but nice. The is almost set, and the stars and starting to show through the gray sky.

Hanna and grabs my hand. She drags me along, as we follow the river to the Factory.

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